- I'm glad to get my operation over. 熬到了手术结束,我很高兴。
- You'll be glad to get your operation over with. 做完手术后你会高兴的。
- You' ll be glad to get your operation over. 手术做完了你一定会高兴的。
- FTP Operation Over Big Address Records. 在广大的位址纪录上处理档案传输协定。
- You'll be glad to get your operation over. 手术做完了你一定会高兴的。
- Don't worry,you'll soon have your operation over( and done with). 别担心,你的手术很快就能做完。
- Standard Telephone Operation Over Twisted Pair Field Wire. 通过双绞被复线进行标准电话操作。
- The KE610 has UL/CSA approvals and can operate over a wide voltage range of DC or AC power. KE610拥有UL/CSA认证,并可以在相当大的直流或交流电源电压范围内工作。
- Applicable to the over edging operation over thin, moderate and thick fabrics. 本系列机型适用于各种薄料、中厚料织物的包边或包缝作业。
- The wasp which repeats the cleaning operation over and over enjoys freedom of action. 多次重复清扫行为的黄蜂拥有行动自由。
- I read in the paperswheresthe police busted an illegal gambling operation over on the west side of town. 我在报上看到警察在镇的西边破楼非法赌博活动。
- The police operation over the weekend netted more than two hundred of the bikes used by the high-speed racers. 警方说他们在周末的行动中截获了200多辆飙车手的摩托车。
- On hrs 1830 the shift operation over, totally 671 pieces of cargos are stripped. 18点30分,本班拆箱工作结束。本班共拆出货物671件。
- I read in the paper where the police busted an illegal gambling operation over on the west side of town. 我在报上看到警察在镇的西边破楼非法赌博活动。
- In addition, there will be construction Changping, Liangxiang, Shunyi three suburban railway to Beijing rail operation over 300 km total length. 此外,还将建设昌平、良乡、顺义三条城郊铁路,使北京市轨道交通运营总里程超过300公里。
- The results overwhelmingly favored 1 operation over the other, that is, transaxillary rib resection over supraclavicular neuroplasty without rib resection. 结果是1种术式具有压倒性的优势,即腋下肋骨切除好于没有切除肋骨的锁骨上神经成形术。
- Their electronically commutated brushless DC motor provides virtually maintenance-free operation over time by eliminating brush maintenance and associated brush motor failure. 其电子换向直流无刷电机通过排除刷子维护和关联电机的出错,在操作过程中提供免维护操作。
- In addition, there will be construction in urban Changping, Liangxiang, Shunyi 3 suburban railway, the total mileage of city rail operation over 300 km. 此外,还将建设市区到昌平、良乡、顺义3条城郊铁路,使本市轨道交通运营总里程超过300公里。
- Conclusion Exigent and urgent conditions requires instaneous surgical intervention or immediate operation over a period of few minutes for resuscitation at emergency ward. 结论 特急特重型外伤患者需在急诊科就地手术,以争取时间挽救患者生命。
- She was keyed up over her impending operation. 她为了即将进行的手术而心中忐忑不安。