- To open an existing named mutex with only those permissions needed for synchronizing thread activities, see the OpenExisting method. 若要仅使用对线程活动进行同步所需的权限打开现有的已命名Mutex,请参见OpenExisting方法。
- Opens an existing named mutex. 打开一个现有的已命名互斥体。
- Use this command to open an existing document in a new window. 使用此命令在一个新建窗口打开一个现存的文件。
- Opens an existing file and allows you to specify an editor. 打开现有文件并允许您指定编辑器。
- To open an existing section, choose Open on the File menu. 若要打开现有分区,请选择“文件”菜单上的“打开”。
- You can open an existing document with the open command HID_FILE_OPEN. 使用打开命令HID_FILE_OPEN,你可以打开一个现存的文件。
- You can open an existing document with the open commandhid_file_open. 使用打开命令HID_FILE_OPEN,你可以打开一个现存的文件。
- Optionally, you can open an existing Transact-SQL file as the command for the job step. 或者,可以将现有的Transact-SQL文件作为作业步骤的命令打开。
- The first attempt by the System Attendant to open an existing container does not work with NTE_BAD_KEYSET. 系统助理打开现有容器的第一次尝试失败,出现错误NTE_BAD_KEYSET。
- If you open an existing database with date references and you have selected the wrong calendar setting, the program might report a variety of errors or other unexpected behaviors. 如果打开一个引用日期的现有数据库,并且选择了错误的日历设置,该程序会报告各种错误或其他不可预料的行为。
- If you are opening an existing Web site, the dialog box is titled Open Web Site. 如果要打开现有网站,则此对话框的标题为“打开网站”。
- The right to open and copy the access rules and audit rules for a named mutex. [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
- DaimlerChrysler admitted yesterday that it had paid bribes as German prosecutors opened an investigation into the carmaker alongside an existing US probe. 在戴姆勒克莱斯勒的总部所在地斯图加特,州检察机关启动了行贿调查,公司涉嫌贿赂比利时、加纳的政府官员和波兰一商业买家。
- The right to change the security and audit rules associated with a named mutex. [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。
- Open an existing MST file. 并浏览到现有的文件。
- Change the name and URL of an existing link. 更改现有链接的名称和URL。
- Before opening an existing project or component, determine the trustworthiness of the code outside of the Visual Studio designer. 在打开现有项目或组件之前,请在Visual Studio设计器外确定代码的可信度。
- Open an account in the name of John Smith. 用约翰史密斯的名字开户。
- To join the club you have to be put up by an existing member. 要加入俱乐部必须有一位会员做介绍人。
- The following code example demonstrates the cross-process behavior of a named mutex with access control security. 下面的代码示例演示具有访问控制安全性的指定mutex的进程间行为。