- Open type Class I Highway 开放式一级公路
- And the highways are jointed to Yongtaiwen (Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou) expressway, Shangsan(Shanghai-Sanmen) expressway, Haijian Class I highway. 并与甬台温高速、上三高速、海健一级公路相连。
- Casts an object to a new object of type class. 将对象转换为class类型的新对象。
- Hugh: But you covered that in class I think. 休:但这题目应是上课时讲过的。
- The property parameters of the stainless open type blind rivet. 不锈钢开口型抽芯铆钉。性能参数图。
- Typical Oushi opens open type kitchen. 典型的欧式开敞式厨房。
- See the Type class topic for other ways to get a Type object. 有关获取Type对象的其他方法,请参见Type类主题。
- In my class I have both Chinese and American friends. 在我班上,我既有中国朋友,又有美国朋友。
- The GetType method of the Type class can load assemblies. Type类的GetType方法可加载程序集。
- This morning after got out of the class I went to the coffee house. 上午我下了课去咖啡馆。
- Class I occlusion with coordinated dental midline was obtained. 治疗后两年追踪观察,齿列情况稳定,外观有良好的改善。
- This conversation transpires in almost every class I teach. 在我教的几乎每个班里都会出现这样的对话。
- Instead, you must use a string representation of the open type name. 而必须使用开放类型名称的字符串表示形式。
- Class I repeater may introduce up to 140 bit-times latency. 第一类别的中继器可导入高达140位元时间的延迟。
- Open type and double-open type moldings to produce different products. 带座进缸,料管自动升降人性化设计,清料方便。
- This is the first small class i'm taking in Berkeley. 这是第一个小班课我在伯克利读。
- In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the “unpardonable. 最近在我执教的一个成人班级里, 我干了一件“不可饶恕的”事情。
- In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the unpardonable. 那一瞬,她觉得天地变容,人间有如此的爱人,她还有什麽可怕的呢!
- RLSD changes are also used for signaling in Class I faxing [6]. RLSD变化是也使用为发信号在里面类我传真[6].
- You can write a visualizer for a target that is a generic type only if the generic type is an open type. 只有在一个泛型类型是开放类型时,才可以为属于该泛型类型的目标编写可视化工具。