- Only belong to this summer. 仅仅属于此时的夏日。
- As if the city is empty,only belong to meself. 人不多,夜很宁静,这城市近乎成为一座唯有自己的空城。
- Your objection does not belong to this meeting. 你的反对跟这个会无关。
- Your objection doesn't belong to this discussion. 你的反对意见和这场讨论没有关系。
- The column does not belong to this collection. 该列不属于此集合。
- The user does not belong to this group. 用户不属于此组。
- Your question does not belong to this discussion. 你的问题不属于这次讨论的范围。
- Do you belong to this fitness club? 你是这个健身俱乐部的成员吗?
- Divine Incarnations belong to this class. 神的化身属于这一类型。”
- Romulus later cases belong to this dynasty. 罗米拉斯后来例属于这个王朝。
- Future only belongs to those who have ideals. 未来只属于有理想的人。
- Each address only belongs to one partner. 每一个地址只属于一个业务伙伴。
- Only belongs to shanghai, fashion and Sinicize. 只属于上海,时尚而且中国化。
- But the Luck, not only belong to Kaohsiung, also every where. 然而幸运不单只属于高雄,它也属于每个地方。
- These items don't belong to this heading,ie are wrongly classified. 这些项目不该列在这个标题下(不属此类)。
- Success only belong to the team with correct goal and persistence. 成功只属于目标正确,坚韧不拔的团队。
- We're planning to visit London this summer. 我们打算今年夏天走访伦敦。
- Some very vital people belong to this bloodsucking type. 某些生命力极旺的人便属于这吸血的一类。
- We're planning to visit France this summer. 我们正计画今年夏天到法国旅行。
- In Hong Kong, Black-winged Stilts are commonly recorded from autumn to spring and prior to this summer they have only rarely been recorded in summer. 香港的黑翅长脚鹬主要在秋天至次年春天出现,极少在夏季发现它们的行踪,今年夏天是罕见的例外。