- A woman who has given birth to only one child. 只生过一个孩子的妇女
- In China, there is only one child in most families. 中国大多数家庭都只有一个孩子。
- Each couple to allow only one child. 每对夫妇只允许生一个孩子。
- Due to the overgrow of population , China has started one-child family policy from 80's, and thus most family have only one child. 因为中国人口增长过快;二十世纪八十年代开始实行打算生育;大部分中国家庭是独生子女。
- They have only one child and are going to buy the apartment. 他们只有一个小孩并且要买这间公寓。
- Why do you have only one child, dear dame?' asked the vixen. 为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?”雌狐狸问。
- "Why do you have only one child, dear dame?" asked the vixen. “为什么你只有一个孩子,夫人?”雌狐狸问。
- Every parent has only one child and every grandparent has only one grand-child. 一个家庭只有一个孩子,而祖父母只有一个孙子。
- Only one child played on the disused track, the rest on the operational track. 你该怎麽办?或者就让火车开过去吗(你不采取任何动作)?
- There is only one child in this family, who is willing to let him to be unhappy with his snacks? 全家就这一个孩子,怎么舍得让他缺嘴呢?
- Most people might choose to divert the course of the train, and sacrifice only one child. 大多数人会选择转换火车轨道,牺牲那名在停用铁轨上玩的小孩。
- In Ch ina , it is not e a sy to give the child a good liv ing, even you h a ve only one child! 在中国现在生一个孩子养好了都费力呀!
- In China, where most families are allowed only one child, baby-related businesses are bracing for an influx of" piglets". 在中国,大部分家庭只能有一个孩子,因此,为奔金猪而来的“小猪潮”将带动一系列婴儿相关产业链。
- A special case is when there is only one child control, in which case the control is sized to fill the entire parent composite. 一种特殊情况是:在仅有一个子控件时,该控件的大小被设置为填充整个父复合控件的大小。
- In China, where most families are allowed only one child, baby-related businesses are bracing for an influx of "piglets". 在中国,大部分家庭只能有一个孩子,因此,为奔金猪而来的“小猪潮”将带动一系列婴儿相关产业链。
- In China, where most families are allowed only one child, baby-related businesses are bracing for an influx of "piglets ". 在中国,大部分家庭只能有一个孩子,因此,为奔金猪而来的“小猪潮”将带动一系列婴儿相关产业链。
- Since most urban Chinese have only one child, families are willing to spend more on their sole offspring, especially for books and educational toys. 大多数城市家庭都只有一个小孩,家长们都愿意将更多的钱花在他们的独生子女身上,尤其是书和教育性的玩具。
- China would now have had 400 million more people if the policy decreeing most couples to have only one child had not been put in place, official statistics show. 据官方统计显示;如果大多数夫妻只许有一个孩的政策没有实施;中国将将比现在多4亿人.
- This is only one instance out of many. 这不过是许多例子中的一个。
- One child in twenty has this disease. 二十个小孩中有一个患有这种疾病。