- One who professes to predict future events. 算命先生以算命为职业的人
- One who professes to predictfuture events. 算命先生以算命为职业的人。
- One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus. 基督教徒以耶稣的生活和教诲为榜样,坚信耶稣是教世主或追随宗教的人
- What Paul really meant is not to associate with those who profess to be saved but living like one who is unsaved. 保罗的意思是不应与那些声称得救但行事为人却像一个不得救的人。
- One who professes. 宣称者
- One who teaches or professes faith in a gospel. 福音传道师传布福音的人或信奉福音的人
- one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature. 对艺术品和自然的美表现出敏感的人。
- Don't argue with one who is in hot blood. 不要和正在气头上的人争论。
- One who acts as the trainer or second of a boxer. 拳击手的训练者或其比赛时的助手
- one who professes great sensitivity to the beauty of art and nature 对艺术品和自然的美表现出敏感的人
- One who believes the millennium will occur. 千禧年信奉者相信千禧年会复活的人
- One who draws blood for analysis or transfusion. 放血医师为化验或输血而抽血的人
- One who habitually smokes marijuana. 吸大麻者习惯性吸食大麻者
- An errant husband is one who leaves his wife for other women. 走邪路的丈夫是指离开自己的妻子去跟别的女人私通。
- One who makes a career in one of the armed forces. 职业军人在武装部队中谋职的人
- They are the imperialists who profess sympathy with China. 就是那些口称同情中国的帝国主义者。
- One who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca. 哈吉已经到麦加朝觐过的人
- One who has memorized the Koran. 哈菲兹背诵了古兰经的人
- One who is called on to testify before a court. 证人被传到法庭上作证的人
- One who is or seems to be possessed by a demon. 着魔的人被(或看上去象被)魔鬼控制的人