- One strategy is specialisation. 其中的一个战略就是专业化。
- One strategy is called market modification. 一种战略被称为市场规划。
- Strategy is much easier here as one strategy, tengu massing... 战略是非常容易在这里作为一个战略,天狗集结...
- One strategy is to slash the prices of many generic, or out-of-patent, prescription drugs. ]策略之一就是对许多普通类(非专利类)方药品进行大减价。
- The purpose of this one strategy is the chance that holds network advertisement market better, core is integrated search and show ad. 这一战略的目的是更好地把握网络广告市场的机会,核心是整合搜索和显示广告。
- One strategy is simply to persuade people to stay longer, which provides more time for employers to spot and seduce the best performers. 策略之一是直接说服员工留下,这样可以给雇主时间发现并诱捕最佳员工。
- One strategy will have function of guidance for whole operation as long as this strategy is implemented and supported by organizational structure effectively and efficiently. 任何一种战略在制定后,只要有效地贯彻,并全力以赴,为支持这一战略进行有效的组织安排,则该战略将对企业整体运筹中产生总体指导作用。
- The essence of all good strategy is simplicity. 一切优秀战略的精髓是简单。
- Another strategy is to embark on one's own employment search. 另一个策略是开始自己的就业搜索之路。
- What 's the aim of one strategy? 战略的目标是什么?
- A strategy is a complete plan of action. 策略是行动的一个完整计划。
- His strategy is to win the war with air power. 他的战略是以空军制胜。
- Their strategy is to win the war with air power. 他们的战略是靠空军致胜。
- Our strategy is to win with quality. 我们的策略是以质量取胜。
- But this strategy is general, not specific. 但这是一般的方针,还不是具体的方针。
- This strategy is uncannily effective. 这一招出奇地灵验。
- That strategy is being rethought. 但是现在这种策略被重新提起。
- The assumption of the strategy is not to our favor. 采取这一战略对我们是不利的。
- But the strategy isn't foolproof. 但这个策略也并非无懈可击。
- Obviously, such a strategy is not new. 这种策略显然不是新概念。