- One plus one is two. 一加一等于二。
- Who says we should make one puls one is two, and one plus two is three. no logically. no sense. 我是那么的固执,不低头,宁肯泪流满面也不说,好吧,我放弃学业,为你回来。要是那样,我今年还出来干嘛?干什么呢?!
- Two plus one is not the same as two minus one. 2加1和2减1不一样。
- Two plus one is not the same as two minus one . 2加1和2减1不一样。
- Sixteen plus one is also seventeen. 十六加一也是十七.
- One plus one equals three or more. 一加一等于三甚至更多。
- In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything and two minus one equals nothing.--M. 在爱的算术中;一加一就等于一切;二减一则等于零.
- In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. 爱情的算术里,一加一意味着一切,二减一则等于零。
- In the arithmetic of love , one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. 在爱情的算术里,一加一等于所有,二减一等于一无所有。
- In the arithmetic of love,one plus one equals everything and two minus one equals nothing. 在爱的算术中;一加一就等于一切;二减一则等于零.
- In the arithmatic of love,one plus one equals everything,and two minus one equals nothing. 在爱情的算术里,一加一等于所有,二减一等于一无所有。
- There is a little question for all of you. How much is, say, one plus one? 我有一个问题要问大家。嗯,一加一等于几?
- M an is two man: one is awake in darkness, other is asleep in light. 一个人有两个自我:一个在黑暗中觉醒,一个在光明中沉睡。
- These single-byte memory cells are numbered in a consecutive way, so as, within any block of memory, every cell has the same number as the previous one plus one. 这些单字节的存储单元被连续的编了号,这样以便,在任何内存块中,每个单元即为前一个单元加一。
- The baggage is two kilos overweight. 那件行李超重两公斤。
- One plus one equals two? 一加一等于二吗?
- But there are two pedals. Which one is the brake? 但是那儿有两个踏板。哪一个是刹车呢?
- This one is two point two million Hong Kong dollars and the price is open to negotiation. 这单位售价是港币二百二十万元,而价格是可商量的。
- Many one or little one is indifferent to me. 多一个或少一个对我是无关紧要的。
- Peter is two inches tall than paul. 彼得比保罗高2英寸。