- One Unified Guidance 一元指导
- Animating one unified gear object is faster than doing it for 3 separate gears. 一个起落架(对象)的运动要比3个分离部分快得多。
- The central authorities,the whole and the principle of centralized and unified guidance must play such a role. 一定要以中央、全体、集中统一作主导(必须使其发挥如此的作用)。
- The central authorities, the whole and the principle of centralized and unified guidance must play such a role. 一定要以中央、全体、集中统一作主导。
- Unfortunately, I am not sure if Taiwan has one unified voice....Taiwanese damns itself. 这地方只有绿的在看、快去别的版叫醒台湾人。
- For dial plans that have one Unified Messaging server, there is little reason to change the location of the prompt publishing point. 对于只有一个统一消息服务器的拨号计划而言,没有必要更改其提示语发布点位置。
- Semantic tools are allowing them to compile numerous incompatible biological descriptions into one unified file, greatly expediting the search for the next breakthrough drug. 语意工具让他们能蒐集众多不相容的生理描述,编纂成统一的档案,大大加快了下一代崭新药物的发现过程。
- One by One calls for Distributors, employees, affiliates and customers to rally around and support one unified cause - a cause that is important to all of us. 这计划的成立是为了团结直销商、员工、所有安利分公司和优惠顾客的力量,一起实践这个晓富意义的目标。
- Which,then,should play the leading role--the whole or the part,the central or the local authorities,the principle of centralized and unified guidance or the principle of consideration of local conditions? 那么,全体和局部、中央和地方、集中统一和因地制宜,以什么为主导呢?
- All our work involves relationships between the whole and the part,between the central and local authorities and between the principle of centralized and unified guidance and the principle of consideration of local conditions. 我们的一切工作都会涉及全局与局部的关系、中央与地方的关系、集中统一与因地制宜的关系。
- The local authorities,for their part,should have in mind the whole,the central authorities and the principle of centralized and unified guidance,subordinating themselves to the central authorities. 在地方来讲,则应照顾全体、中央和集中统一,以中央为主体。
- Which, then, should play the leading role--the whole or the part, the central or the local authorities, the principle of centralized and unified guidance or the principle of consideration of local conditions? 另一方面,全体和局部、中央和地方、集中统一和因地制宜,以什么为主导呢?
- All our work involves relationships between the whole and the part, between the central and local authorities and between the principle of centralized and unified guidance and the principle of consideration of local conditions. 我们的一切工作都会涉及全局与局部的关系、中央与地方的关系、集中统一与因地制宜的关系。
- More importantly, it adds a level of abstraction between the proprietary administration interfaces of all of the different devices allowing for one unified interface to administer all devices. 更重要的是,它在所有不同设备的专有管理接口间添加了一个抽象层,允许用一个统一的接口管理所有的设备。
- The local authorities, for their part, should have in mind the whole, the central authorities and the principle of centralized and unified guidance, subordinating themselves to the central authorities. 在地方来讲,则应照顾全体、中央和集中统一,以中央为主体。
- We believe in one unified church of multi-cultural and multi-congregational ministries served by an inter-dependent, collaborating, continuously growing, and holy pastoral and lay leadership team. 我们相信由多元文化,不同会众组成,却合而为一的教会。这教会的事工是由一群相互信靠、同心协力、不断成长、追求圣洁的教牧同工与信徒领袖组成的团队带领。
- It is in mastering 1800 that one unifies extreme opposites in their life dance. 正是在掌握1800股时,你将在生命之舞中统一了极度对立面。
- UGSI(Unified Guidance of Security Implementation) 安全实施的统一指导
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The ISO 10646 standard, directly related to Unicode, supersedes all of ISO 646's and ISO 8859's sets of national-variant character encodings with arguably one unified set of character encodings. 为了处理与存储的方便,每个汉字的区号和位号在计算机内部分别用一个字节来表示。