- Once more to right some wrongs 去改正过去的错误
- The Dwarves have retreated even further from the worlds of Man, but every once in a rare while, one will emerge from their mountain mines to right some wrong. 矮子已经从男人的世界甚至更进一步撤退,但是每一一旦在稀有的一会儿方面,一将会从他们的山浮现挖掘到权利一些错误。
- I looked again. Some particles which had burst through the clouds were drifting together once more to fuse and leap aloft -- the sun had risen! 再一看,几个小片冲破云霞,密接起来,融合起来,飞跃而出,原来是太阳出来了。
- Before boarding the plane, Jenny tried once more to call home. 登机前,珍妮试着再一次给家里打电话。
- The scientists went to the lab once more to see the result. 科学家们又一次去实验室看实验结果。
- Kratos speaks with Athena once more to understand what he must do. 克瑞托斯再一次跟女神确认他应该作些什么。
- You have every reason to try it once more. 你有充分的理由再试一次。
- He might be required once more to deliver his opinion on those shadows, in competition with the prisoners who had never been released, while his eyesight was still dim and unsteady; and it might take some time to become used to the darkness. 他可能会再按照要求说出自己对那些影子的看法,与那些从未获得过自由的囚徒们竞争;而那时他的视觉仍旧模糊不清,欠缺稳定,需要一些时间才能适应黑暗。
- I would like to spend my holiday in Hawaii once more. 我想再去夏威夷度一次假。
- She would try once more to find out from her sore and lonely heart what she really wanted. 她要再一次弄清楚自己创楚和寂寞的心田里究竟真正希望的是什么。
- I work from left to right, he works contrariwise. 我从左边干到右边,他从右边干到左边。
- For the last little while I had even lost; but now, redoubling my efforts, I began once more to overhaul the chase. 我刚才一直束手无策,现在立刻使出双倍力气,重新追赶我的目标。
- So when you gonna realise Those are not your wrongs to right? 你什么时候才能明白你过去的愚蠢呢?
- I began to take heart once more to believe that piloting was a romantic sort of occupation after all. 我重新有了信心,认为掌航这件事终究是一种有奇趣的职业。
- It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance. 那人便是拿破仑,梦游中的巨人,他还想往前走,去追寻那崩塌了的幻境。
- Look both ways (ie to right and left) before crossing the road. 过马路前先要向两边看一看。
- She removed the wraps, which covered her shoulders, before the glass, so as once more to see herself in all her glory. 她褪下了披在肩上的衣服,那是对着大镜子褪的,为的是再一次看看笼罩在光荣中的自己。
- The batter blasted the ball to right field. 击球手挥出一个右外野球
- But his advantage was short-lived as Davydenko broke back in the fifth game and once more to lead 4-3. 但他占得优势不久,达维登科就在第五盘中给与反击并以4比3反超。
- Afterward compound was because of hers compunction, the separation once more to her is also one kind of extrication. 后来的复合不过是因为她的内疚,再次的分离对她来说又是一种解脱。