- She stood on the other side of the fence. 她站在篱笆的另一边。
- You can see children playing on the other side of the river. 你可以看到小孩在河对岸玩耍。
- There is some writing on the other side of the page. 这一页的反面有些字。
- The enemy were strongly entrenched on the other side of the river. 敌军在河的对岸用坚固的壕沟防守。
- He'll be laughing on the other side of his face when he reads this letter. 他看到这封信就要转喜为悲了。
- On the other side of the page or leaf. 在页后在书页的另一面或页后
- There is a canoe on the other side of the river. 河的对岸有一只独木舟。
- Yes,take number 11 on the other side of this road. 有的,往对面街搭11路车吧。
- There are some words on the other side of the page. 这一页的反面有些字。
- I work on the other side of town. 我在城的另一边工作。
- There is a river on the other side of the road. 在公路的另一边有一条河。
- His house is on the other side of the river. 他的房子在河的另一边。
- He is on the other side of the fence. 他是在另一边。
- He lives on the other side of the river. 他住在河的对岸。
- On the other side of the street is a famous Gothic. 街的另一边是一座著名的哥特式教堂。
- Mike: I live on the other side of town. 麦克:我住在城镇的另一头。
- You may continue on the other side of the paper. 可在纸的背面接著(写)。
- The park comprehends all the land on the other side of the river. 这个公园包括河对岸的所有地方。
- The mailboxes are on the other side of this wall. 信箱在这面墙的另一侧。
- The nest is on the other side of this tree. 蚂蚁窝就在这棵大树的另一边。