- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- The Punishment on Unit in Unit Crime in China 论我国单位犯罪中对单位的处罚
- On Unit Crime in New Criminal Law 论新刑法中的单位累犯
- On Unit Joint Crime and Joint Unit Crime 论单位共同犯罪与共同单位犯罪
- On Unit Crime is Joint Crime 论单位犯罪是共同犯罪
- On Unit Crime 关于单位犯罪的几个问题
- Will be counted in Chinese characters. Certificates will be charged on unit. 稿件以中文字符数计算价格。证件类按件收费;制图费及制表费另议。
- I was on United Airlines flight 446 from Tokyo. 我搭从东京出发的446班次联合航空。
- The decimal system is based on units of ten. 十进制法是以十位单位的。
- Cyclone duration on units increased to 15 from 10. 飓风魔法作用在普通单位上的持续时间从10秒提高到15秒。
- TOSHIBA TOSMAP DCS system is used on unit No. 2 in CHIBA Power Plant,Japan. 日本千叶火力发电站2号系列使用东芝TOSMAP分散控制系统。
- Though criminal law 1997of China prescribes unit crime,there are still different opinions in some aspects of it. 我国现行1997年刑法,虽然规定了单位犯罪,但刑法学界对单位犯罪的诸多方面仍存在分歧。
- However, our Criminal Procedural Law didn't regulate the suit process of unit crime cases, saying nothing of jurisdiction of unit crime cases. 但我国刑事诉讼法并没有规定单位犯罪案件的诉讼程序,更没有明确单位犯罪案件的管辖问题。
- It is suggest that negligent unit crime be increasingly instituted, strict bipartite punishment system be taken, and more punishment against qualifications be set up. 应多设立单位过失犯罪,采取严格的双罚制,增设资格刑等。
- Illumination: The amount of light energy falling on unit area of a surface. The unit is Lux. 照度:落在单位面积上的光能数量。照度的单位是“勒克司”。
- Syllabification is a fundamental step in English Speech Synthesis based on unit selection. 在基于单元选择的英语语音合成中,音节切分是非常重要的一环。
- Embedded sawdust, divests, sanding lines and/or finishing material runs are unacceptable on unit tops. 油漆下有锯屑,砂痕,以及剥落,流油等在面板上都不能接受。
- The crime lies heavily on his conscience. 那罪行沉重地压在他心上。
- In the case of a crime committed by a unit, whether it is a unit crime or non-unit crime, the only criterion for determining the criminal responsibility of an individual member of the unit is wh... 因此,当单位实施非单位犯罪时,只要单位成员实施的行为能够作为自然人评价为犯罪,则必须将其作为普通自然人追究刑事责任。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。