- On Class Struggle and Crime 试论刑事犯罪与阶级斗争
- On class struggle in socialist society. (二)社会主义社会的阶级斗争。
- Thirty years ago, he says acidly, "people were focused on class struggle. 三十年前,他讽刺道,“人民关注于阶级斗争。
- But after that session,he personally focused on class struggle by initiating the movement of the "four clean-ups". 但是,十中全会以后,他自己又去抓阶级斗争,搞“四清”了。
- But after that session, he personally focused on class struggle by initiating the movement of the "four clean-ups". 但是,十中全会以后,他自己又去抓阶级斗争,搞“四清”了。
- At the Beidaihe Meeting of July-August that year,however,he reversed direction again,laying renewed and even greater stress on class struggle. 可是到一九六二年七、八月北戴河会议,又转回去了,重提阶级斗争,提得更高了。
- At the Beidaihe Meeting of July-August that year, however, he reversed direction again, laying renewed and even greater stress on class struggle. 可是到一九六二年七、八月北戴河会议,又转回去了,重提阶级斗争,提得更高了。
- The same is true of the relationship between the class struggle and the national struggle. 阶级斗争和民族斗争的关系也是这样。
- They, therefore, endeavour, and that consistently, to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms. 因此,他们一贯企图削弱阶级斗争,调和对立。
- Besides, the combination mechanism between Mao"s human-philosophy and Mao"s essential and materialist conception of history and the theory on class struggle . 同时,还揭示毛泽东人的本质思想同他的唯物史观及阶级斗争理论间的结合机制。
- Corruption and crime go hand in hand. 腐败与犯罪携手并行。
- They,therefore,endeavour,and that consistently,to deaden the class struggle and to reconcile the class antagonisms. 因此,他们一贯企图削弱阶级斗争,调和对立。
- Thus there is identity in the united front between unity and independence and between the national struggle and the class struggle. 这样便把统一战线中的统一性和独立性、民族斗争和阶级斗争,一致起来了。
- Of course,Comrade Mao Zedong did say in his speech at the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee that the renewed emphasis on class struggle should not interfere with the economic readjustment then in progress. 当然,毛泽东同志在八届十中全会的讲话中说,不要因为提阶级斗争又干扰经济调整工作的进行。
- That newspaper capitalizes on sex and crime reports. 那种报纸是以报道性与罪为特色的。
- The method of correction is to help Party members understand that the purpose of criticism is to increase the Party's fighting capacity in order to achieve victory in the class struggle and that it should not be used as a means of personal attack. 纠正的方法,在于使党员明白批评的目的是增加党的战斗力以达到阶级斗争的胜利,不应当利用批评去做攻击个人的工具。
- There are even more comrades who fail to understand the unity of the national struggle and the class struggle,and who fail to understand united front policy and class policy,and consequently the unity of united front education and class education. 还有更多的同志不了解民族斗争和阶级斗争的一致性,不了解统一战线政策和阶级政策,从而不了解统一战线教育和阶级教育的一致性。
- A correlation between drug abuse and crime. 吸毒和犯罪之间的相互关联
- For instance,it is a basic Marxist concept that being determines consciousness,that the objective realities of class struggle and national struggle determine our thoughts and feelings. 比如说,马克思主义的一个基本观点,就是存在决定意识,就是阶级斗争和民族斗争的客观现实决定我们的思想感情。
- To many, drugs and crime are not dissociable. 对许多人来说,吸毒和犯罪是不可分开的