- Wish her become Olympic gold medalist soon! 祝小爱生日快乐!!
- Shooter Xu Haifeng became China's first ever Olympic Gold medalist. 射击运动员许海峰成为中国获得奥运会金牌的第一人。
- Fu Mingxia has become China's youngest Olympic gold medalist here in Barcelona. 伏明霞在巴塞罗那成了中国有史以来最年轻的奥运冠军。
- The reigning Olympic gold medalist announced he's withdrawing from the US team. 这位奥林匹克金牌获得者宣布,他将会从美国队引退。
- Good. Kate, I'd like you to meet my friend Bill. He's my teammate, a former Olympic gold medalist. 很好。凯特,我想给你介绍我的朋友比尔,他是我的队友,前奥运金牌得主。
- When the crowd has the audacity not to cheer for him, Kurt wonders aloud how anyone can boo an Olympic gold medalist. 当群众逐渐放肆地不再支持他时,安格要大声的质疑:怎能有人会对奥运金牌选手报以嘘声呢?
- At a similar stage in his career, 1976 Olympic gold medalist Sugar Ray Leonard was perhaps boxing's biggest star. 有着同样来头的1976年奥运冠军舒格.;雷
- The Olympic gold medalist scooped 42 per cent of the vote. Jamie Carragher finished runner-up with 14 per cent. 奥运金牌获得者得到了42%25的选票,卡拉格以14%25排在第二位。
- The three-time Olympic gold medalist said her former coach Trevor Graham gave her the drug beginning in 1999. 三次奥运金牌获得者说她的前任教练g在1999年开始给她这种药物。
- "Sydney was a peak and that legacy can't be taken away, first Olympic gold medalist for 32 years. 奥运冠军英国拳击手哈里森说:“作为第一个32岁的奥运会冠军,悉尼是我个人的一个颠峰,这个传奇不被抹杀。
- China is the 2004 Olympic Gold Medalist and can be a great learning tool for those yearning to reach this level. 中国是2004奥运会金牌得主,对于那些向往达到这个水平的人来是是个巨大的学习榜样。
- Join the HKIEd Charity Run now to experience a unique running-in-the-dark adventure together with Henry Wanyoike, an Olympic gold medalist. 与你的最佳拍档一起,参加别开生面的香港教育学院师生慈善跑;
- Olympic gold medalist Micheal Phelps has been suspended for 90 days by USA Swimming after a picture surface showing him using a marijuana pipe. 在一张显示有菲尔普斯吸食大麻的照片曝光后,这位奥运金牌得主被美国游泳协会停赛90天。
- Police in Baltimore say Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps was not to blame for a fender-bender he had Thursday night. 巴尔的摩警方已确定周四晚上的小车祸的主要责任人不在奥运会金牌得主迈克尔-菲尔普斯。
- Ethiopia\'s Derartu Tulu, the 10,000-metre Olympic gold medalist in 1992, won the title again in 2000 two years after giving birth to a daughter. 1992年奥运会女子10000米金牌得主埃塞俄比亚运动员德拉尔图?图卢在2000年再次获得该项目冠军时,她的女儿只有2岁。
- "Everyone who is a gymnast or who has been a gymnast is simply in awe of her," the Olympic gold medalist Bart Conner said. “每个运动员或曾经当过运动员的人都会尊敬她,”奥运金牌得主巴特-康纳尔说。
- Hye-kyeong tries to improve the team by recruiting some of her old teammates, including two-time Olympic gold medalist Han Mi-sook. 金惠敬试图提高团队招募她的一些老队友,其中包括两届奥运金牌得主韩谜淑。
- The United States is formally protesting China's decision to deny a visa to U.S. Olympic gold medalist and Darfur anti-violence campaigner Joey Cheek. 美国对中国决定拒绝向美国奥运金牌得主、反对达尔富尔暴力的活动人士奇克发放签证正式提出抗议。
- Official Web site of professional Australian cyclist and Olympic gold medalist Luke Roberts (now a member of Team CSC). Includes biography, diary, photo gallery and news. 职业澳大利亚的骑车人和奥林匹克金奖章获得者卢克·罗伯茨的正式网络站点(现在队CSC的一个成员)。包括传记,日记,相片画廊和新闻。
- She has both the genes and the gym to thank;her mother was a world champion rhythmic gymnast for the Soviet Union and her father a two-time Olympic gold medalist. 她的成就得益于先天的体操基因和后天的体操训练,她的母亲是苏联世锦赛冠军,父亲是两次奥运金牌获得者,现在他是女儿的教练。