- Carry out various Olympic educational activities in all schools in cooperation with the educational departments. 配合教育部门在各级各类学校中广泛开展奥林匹克教育活动。
- Carrying out Olympic education programs ? 广泛开展奥林匹克教育活动。
- Carrying out Olympic education programs? 广泛开展奥林匹克教育活动。
- EPD will organize complementary public education activities. 环保署会举办相关的公众教育活动。
- Olympic education will also be conducted in conjunction with the sports events on campus. 把学校运动会和奥林匹克教育结合起来。
- Many provinces and autonomous regions have unfolded the drug prevention education activities mainly for youngsters. 许多省区开展了以青少年为主要对象的毒品预防教育活动。
- The acting plan and enforcement process of 2004 Athens Olympic education supports some inspirations to 2008 Olympic education. 2004年雅典奥林匹克教育行动计划、实施过程及取得的成功,给2008年北京奥运会的开展奥林匹克教育带来了很多启示。
- School health officers and nurses advise on the control of communicable diseases and organise health education activities and immunisation campaigns. 分区办事处的医生和护士则会就如何控制传染病的问题提供意见,并举办健康教育活动和防疫注射活动。
- "Olympic Education Textbooks" will be distributed in the primary and secondary schools and school sports events will be held in connection with Olympic education program. 在中小学开展“奥运教育读本”活动,并把奥林匹克教育同学校运动会结合起来;
- Arts education activities in 1996-97 have also been enhanced at the community arts centres. 该办事处于一九九六至九七年度亦已在各社区文娱中心加强艺术教育活动。
- Recently there have been a variety of health education activities in many communities. 近来许多社区开展了各种各样的健康教育活动。
- In addition,an Olympic Education Website will be set up to promote research and the dissemination of Olympic ideals,and a high-level international Olympic seminar will be organized,as will be an international seminar for sports journalists. 创建奥林匹克教育网,推动奥林匹克思想的研究和传播。适时举办国际奥林匹克高层研讨会和国际体育记者讲习班。
- Starting from 2005,Olympic lectures will be provided at colleges and universities as well as elementary and secondary schools,using the Olympic Education Readings by the IOC Committee of Culture and Education as important teaching materials. 从2005年起,在大中小学中普遍开设奥林匹克讲座,把国际奥委会文化与教育委员会编写的《奥林匹克教育课本》作为重要的辅助教材。
- At the same time, Durex worldwide carried out in various forms, from a variety of AIDS prevention education activities. 同时,杜蕾斯在世界范围内开展了形式多样、内容丰富的预防艾滋病的宣传教育活动。
- Starting from 2005, Olympic lectures will be provided at colleges and universities as well as elementary and secondary schools, using the Olympic Education Readings by the IOC Committee of Culture and Education as important teaching materials. 从2005年起,在大中小学中普遍开设奥林匹克讲座,把国际奥委会文化与教育委员会编写的《奥林匹克教育课本》作为重要的辅助教材;
- In addition, an Olympic Education Website will be set up to promote research and the dissemination of Olympic ideals, and a high-level international Olympic seminar will be organized, as will be an international seminar for sports journalists. 创建奥林匹克教育网,推动奥林匹克思想的研究和传播。适时举办国际奥林匹克高层研讨会和国际体育记者讲习班。
- It also mediates in consumer disputes,disseminates consumer information and advice and organises consumer education activities. 消委会也排解消费方面的纠纷,为消费者提供资讯、解答查询,以及推行消费者教育活动等。
- It also mediates in consumer disputes, disseminates consumer information and advice and organises consumer education activities. 消委会也排解消费方面的纠纷,为消费者提供资讯、解答查询,以及推行消费者教育活动等。
- Trained students will set up health education activities at their respective colleges to promote health and make CUHK as a Health Promoting University. 每所书院会挑选十位学生,透过训练后,学生回到所属书院筹划适合同辈参与的健康教育活动,使中文大学成为一所积极追求健康校园的大学。
- It is the education activities that distribute legal knowledge, formulate legal thinking and train qualified persons understanding the Iaw. 在法律教育过程中,培养学生的法律思维是其宗旨。