- Olli Eino Laiho 莱霍
- Alexi Laiho is one children of bodom,I am the children of beihai! 校内要想打开看来是要用带里了,这个是可以下载的,不是在线看。
- Olli judge read out the same day of the 11 accused Karadzic. 当天法官奥利宣读了对卡拉季奇的11项指控。
- Juuso, Olli, Tuukka and Mice were replaced by Oskari, Haiwe, Tommi and Jaakko. 在2007年的春季,乐队阵容完全改变。
- Judith, Christian and Olli's roommate, offers support.Just finished Chinese subbing another important episode. 如果你有什麽要说有关这个故事,或Christian 和Olli,或我的中文!
- Finland's Harri Olli soars through the air during the large hill ski jumping FIS World Cup event in Liberec, Czech Republic on February 9, 2008. 芬兰的哈里霍奥利剧增通过空气在大山跳台滑雪电世界杯赛事利贝雷茨,捷克共和国2008年2月9号。
- Olli Rehn, the enlargement commissioner, says that, in the polls, “Serbia will either turn to its European future or risk self-imposed isolation. 欧盟扩展部委员长欧利?雷恩讲道,民意调查表明,“塞尔维亚要么就走欧洲之路,要么就自生自灭。”
- Olli Rehn, the enlargement commissioner, concedes sadly that “after a country has a seat round the table, it is much harder to apply pressure to it. 负责欧盟扩张事务的专员奥利雷恩(OlliRehn)神情黯然的承认道:“一个国家一旦在圆桌四周有了它的位置,你就很难再对其施加影响了。”
- “It was like pinball, it would never normally have gone in,” commented left-back Marcell Jansen, “even Olli was laughing about it. “那像一个弹球一样,一般情况下是不会进的。”扬森在赛后说,“奥利对此感到好笑。
- Eino 埃诺
- Eino Purje 普尔耶
- Eino Virtanen 维尔塔宁
- Eino Leino 莱诺, 利诺
- Eino Penttila 彭蒂莱
- Olli Hokkanenn. 欧利·霍堪嫩;芬兰人;在电视节目Ennätystehdas(记录工厂)中尝试一次喝1
- Olli 奥利