- Oldtime Zhenghua 旧时正话
- That oldtime snakebite medicine is good for what ails you. 那种陈年威士忌可以治你的病。
- On the oldtime farm in America most of the work was done by the entire farm family with the help of a hired man. 过去美国的农场,大多数工作都由整个农户在一个雇工的帮助下来完成的。
- Reported that Yuan Zhenghua wearing a baseball cap that day, handcuffed in court was very tame. 报道称,袁正华当天头戴棒球帽,带着手铐,在法庭上表现得极为温顺。
- Oldtime likes a person dissolutely on the street, sits in the roadside,looked comes and goes person. 年长的时候喜欢一个人浪荡在街上,坐在路边,看来来往往的人。
- But the Skulls, like the oldtime Israelis and Swiss before them, didn't let mere rank or seniority determine who flew lead. 不过骷髅中队和早年间以色列和瑞士的空军相似,并不单纯以军衔或资历来决定谁飞长机。
- With this wealth they were trying to encroach on the country fiefs of oldtime Mafia leaders whom they contemptuously labeled Moustache Petes. 他们凭着手中的这笔钱,拼命想侵入老黑帮领袖的乡间封地。 他们把老黑帮领袖轻蔑地贬之为老朽。
- China, said Wang Zhenghua, chairman of Spring Airlines, as long as the Chinese government airworthiness approval, he would dare to try "to the arrangement to sell the aircraft. 中国春秋航空董事长王正华表示,只要中国政府的适航部门批准,他就敢尝试“给飞机卖站票”。
- Yang Zhenghua, a genial 34-year-old with a buzz cut, makes the run from Qijiang to Chongqing most days, bringing a truckload of farm produce to a wholesale market in the city. 34岁的杨政华(音)行色匆匆,他大多数时候都是从綦江开车去重庆,将满满一车农产品送到市里的一个批发市场。
- The president of peasants and workers democratic party , the vice-chairman of National people's congress Jiang Zhenghua cut the ribbon and wrote an epigraph for the company. 下设十个子公司,是集制药生产、科研、中草药种植、环保绿化、旅游开发、煤业等多行业发展的大型现代化集团公司,其前身为山西瑞丰制药有限公司,主要业务为外贸出口。
- Zhejiang Zhenghua Auto Parts Factory 浙江瑞安市振华汽车配件厂
- WuXi ZhengHua Auto Accessory Parts Factory 无锡市振华轿车附件厂
- Author Zhong Zhenghua Luo Jianhui Chen Huaguang Chen Yuji (Hunan University); 作者钟正华;罗建辉;陈华光;陈玉骥;
- you rosebuds while you may, oldtime is still a-flying, and this same flower thatsmiles today, tomorrow will be dying. 及时采撷你的花蕾,旧时光一去不回;今天尚在微笑的花朵,明日便在风中枯萎。(比较:花堪折时只须折,莫待无花空折枝。)
- 4. Gatheryou rosebuds while you may, oldtime is still a-flying, and this same flower thatsmiles today, tomorrow will be dying. 及时采撷你的花蕾,旧时光一去不回;今天尚在微笑的花朵,明日便在风中枯萎。(比较:花堪折时只须折,莫待无花空折枝。)
- Author Gao Yingjun Chen Zhenghua Zhong Xiaping (Dept. of Phys.;Guangxi Univ.;10 Xixiangtanglu;Nanning;Guangxi;530004); 作者高英俊;陈振华;钟夏平;
- A Case Study of the Lawsuit filed by the Business Department of a Commercial Bank against Zhenghua Industrial Company concerning Disputes over a Mortgage Loan 某市商业银行营业部诉正华实业总公司抵押贷款纠纷案
- Author Long Yingcai (Department of Chemistry)Ping Zhenghua;Chen Xin (Department of Maeromolecular Science)Sun Yaojun (Centre of Analysis and Measurement); 作者龙英才;平郑骅;陈新;孙尧俊;
- Jiang Zhenghua,council member of the IUSSP,pointed out,"As far as what we have seen is concerned,of the many things described in the telefilm some are sheerly concocted out of thin air and some are distortions." 国际人口科学联盟(IUSSP)理事蒋正华指出:“从我们看到的情况来说,这个片子中描写的很多事情,有一些完全是无中生有,有一些是被歪曲了。”
- Jiang Zhenghua 蒋正华