- Oldsmobile Achieva 奥斯莫比尔阿齐娃,简称阿齐娃
- GM spent more than $1 billion closing and transferring Oldsmobile dealerships. 通用汽车公司花了超过10亿美元,关闭和转移奥兹莫比尔经销商。
- In one of his first moves he decided it was futile to keep Oldsmobile. 他烧的头几把火之一是认为继续保留奥兹莫比尔品牌徒劳无益。
- The Mercury Marquis was a full-sized luxury car to compete with Buick and Oldsmobile. 墨丘利侯爵型车则是一种大型的豪华车,要与别克和欧尔茨一争高下。
- Any plans to enter new markets in the near term? Why? What are the markets that Achieva will concentrate in the next few years? 近期内,益启发有计划进军任何新的市场吗?为什么?接下来,集团将集中在那些主要市场?
- Those who could afford to trade up were more likely to graduate to a Buick, Oldsmobile, or Cadillac. 能购买得起较昂贵的汽车的人更有可能升级购买一辆别克、欧尔茨或迪拉车。
- That boy loves working on cars,Debbie Gullett smiled,glancing out the window of her home to see her son James tinkering with an Oldsmobile. 这孩子喜欢摆弄汽车,黛比·格莱特心中想道。看见窗外儿子詹姆斯正在修理一辆奥尔兹汽车,她不觉微微一笑。
- Oldsmobile has made every effort to adapt itself to the peculiarity of aerodynamics. Oldsmobile牌的车彻底追求适应空气动力学特点的造型。
- Those who could afford to trade up were more likely to graduate to a Buick, Oldsmobile, or Cadillac . 能购买得起较昂贵的汽车的人更有可能升级购买一辆别克、欧尔茨或迪拉车。
- The Oldsmobile, one of the most evocative brands, was actually quite new. The first one was made in 1897. 最能令人怀念的品牌之一,当时的确耳目一新,第一辆轿车产于1897年。
- While spending heavily on new models to pump up Oldsmobile, GM let Saturn languish, and its sales shriveled. 在投入巨资开发奥兹莫比新车型的同时,通用汽车让土星自生自灭,其销售也开始枯竭。
- Driving away from a party, he swerved off the road and down a bumpy track before plunging his Oldsmobile into a pond. 开车离开聚会,肯尼迪错过了大路,突转入一条崎岖小道,随后他的欧尔茨就冲进了池塘。
- GM′s automotive brands are Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Holden, HUMMER, Oldsmobile, Opel, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn and Vauxhall. 通用汽车旗下的轿车和卡车品牌包括:别克、凯迪拉克、雪佛兰、GMC、霍顿、悍马、欧宝、庞蒂亚克、Saab萨博、土星和沃豪。
- "It was incredible what she did," James says now, still amazed that his mother found the strength to lift the almost two-ton Oldsmobile. "她当时的举动真令人难以置信,"现在詹姆斯说起来,都还为他妈妈能有力气抬起近两吨重的奥尔兹汽车而赞叹不止。
- Albeit on a smaller scale, the process will move similar GM's decision to close Oldsmobile, which ceased operations five years ago this month. 尽管规模较小,这一过程将类似的通用汽车公司的决定关闭奥斯莫比尔,停止活动五年前的这个月。
- A few years ago GM spent more than a billion dollars to buy out the retailers affected by its decision to eliminate its Oldsmobile brand. 几年之前通用放弃其旧品牌时,公司不得不花了近10万亿美元买下受这一决策影响的经销商的全部股份。
- But GM executives insisted it would be too expensive after spending an estimated $2 billion to wind down Oldsmobile earlier this decade. 但由于通用汽车在本世纪初为砍掉Oldsmobile这个品牌估计耗费了20亿美元,公司管理层一直坚持认为这样做的代价太高。
- Chevrolet, GMC, Pontiac and Oldsmobile brand trucks, etc.Over the past four years the market share of 26.6%, respectively, 27.6%, 27.1% and 28.5%. 雪佛兰、GMC、庞蒂亚克和奥兹莫比尔等卡车品牌在这四年的市场占有率分别为26.;6%25、27
- Almost from the start,Buick was successful,and Durant used it as his base to expand,as he added Oldsmobile,Cadillac and the Oakland,the forerunner of Pontiac,to his new company. 几乎从一开始,别克汽车就是成功的,而杜兰特以其作为扩展生产经营的基地,他的新公司相继生产出帝王、卡迪拉克,然后是奥克兰,即庞迪克的前身。