- Old social division of labor 旧分工
- W.R.Goe.Producer services,Trade and the Social Division of Labor[J]. 赵群毅周一星.;西方生产性服务业的地理学研究进展[J]
- The rapid development of science and technology leads to the social division of labor developing towards intellectualization and informatization. 科学技术的迅速发展,引起社会分工向知识化和信息化方向发展,知识型服务部门在社会中的比重增加,其地位和作用不断增强。
- Emile Durkhem has attributed the social anomie to three reasons such as the danger of social disorganization,the damage of abnormal social division of labor on social solidarity and the threat on organic solidarity. 涂尔干把社会失范的原因归结为三个方面,即社会解组的危险、反常分工对社会团结的破坏作用和有机团结受到威胁;
- The social division of labor, the judicature fairness and the need of enhancing the efficiency of examination power impels are the intrinsic power to advance the public prosecutor professionalization. 社会分工、司法公正以及提高检察权行使效率的现实需要是推动检察官职业化进程的内在动力。
- There is a clear division of labor in ants. 蚂蚁间有明确的分工。
- Several Thinking about Social Division of Labor 关于社会分工的若干思考
- Let specialized people do specialized job accords with social division of labors. 专业的事让专家来做,更符合现代社会的分工。
- On Shaping of the Social Division of Labor to Modern Humanity 论社会分工对现代人性的型塑
- On Strengthening Consciousness of Social Division of Labor 论增强社会分工意识
- Permits better division of labor. 使劳动分工更为合理。
- An Analysis on Social Division of Labor in the View of General Technology 广义技术视野中的社会分工问题解析
- Inframarginal analysis of the network of division of labor. 劳动分工网络的超边际分析。
- Social division of labor versus the methodological significance in the study of society and history 社会分工及其在社会历史研究中的方法论意义
- The Source and Innovation of Wang Yangming's Thinking of Social Division of Labor 王阳明社会分工思想的历史因袭及创新
- Attaching Importance to Research on Mutual Mechanism of Social Division of Labor 应重视对社会分工相互制约机制的研究
- It shows further that the division of labor between peasants and artisans was now firmly enough established in its social importance to challenge the old grouping of gentes and tribes. 其次,它表明,农民和手工业者之间的分工已经如此牢固,以致以前氏族和部落的划分在社会意义方面已不是最重要的。
- the social division of labor 社会分工
- They differ from the manual workers only insofar as they perform different roles in the social division of labour. 他们与体力劳动者的区别,只是社会分工的不同。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。