- A cat, especially an old female cat. 猫,老雌猫猫,尤指老雌猫
- Fair enough. I don't like healthy patients. The 29 year old female. 行了。我也不喜欢健康的病人。那个29岁的女孩。
- Also if one person sins unintentionally, then he shall offer a one year old female goat for a sin offering. 民15:27若有一个人误犯了罪、他就要献一岁的母山羊作赎罪祭。
- The case is a 53 year old female patient who received operation because of carpel tunnel syndromes. 本病例为53岁女性病人,一年前经某医院诊断腕隧道症候群并接受其手术治疗。
- This 29 year old female presented with irilizing symptoms and was found to hae a large adenoma in the right adrenal. 这位29岁的女性表现为男性化症状,从而发现在她右侧肾上腺有巨大的肾上腺皮质腺瘤。
- So He said to him, "Bring Me a three year old heifer, and a three year old female goat, and a three year old ram, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon. 创15:9他说、你为我取一只三年的母牛、一只三年的母山羊、一只三年的公绵羊、一只斑鸠、一只雏鸽。
- Due to the advance of magnetic resonance imaging techniques, we reported a 75 years old female with spinal subdural empyema. 本文病例为一75岁女性,为子宫颈癌患者,因为高烧不退,白血球升高且下背疼痛来求诊。
- In Sister Zhang Mastiff kennel, if less than one year old female dog to the mating period, the firm can not be allowed mating. 在张姐獒园,如果不到一周岁的母獒发情了,坚决不能让它交配。
- A 30 years old female complaining the abdominal bloating and dyspepsia for 8 months after recovering from acute myelitis. 30岁女性,诉上腹胀和消化不良8个月。8个月前曾患急性脊髓炎。之后服用激素治疗。
- The hunter apologizes that old female wise, mused at heart: “she complies the thing is really a very good, but this all can be really? 猎人谢过那年老女智者,心里暗想:“她答应的东西真是好极了,可是这一切会不会是真的呢?”
- Most of patients is rectocele in middle - old females. 最多见者为直肠前突,且以中老年女性为多见。
- Objective To evaluate the diagnostic role of high frequency ultrasonography(HFU) and CDFI for breast carcinoma of the old female. 目的:探讨老年乳腺癌的高频超声图像和彩色多普勒表现。
- Generally, female, especially old female, are the mainly receivers of this kind of pension because female have a longer life expectancy than male. 由于女性的平均寿命一般要大于男性,因此,一般来讲,女性尤其是老年妇女是这一制度的主要受益人。
- It is obvious to everyone that Mr. Li Duokui has contributed a lot to the art of laodan (an old female role in traditional Chinese opera). 李多奎先生对老旦艺术的贡献是大家有目共睹的。
- Her text is believed to be the oldest female physician's manuscript. 她的版本被认为是最早由女性医生留下来的手抄本。
- If you are a 25-35 year old female with great English speaking skills and an extrovert, warm personality, this an opportunity that you don't want to miss! 如果你是一位年龄在25-35岁之间的女性,拥有良好的教育背景,流利的英语口语,性格开朗,积极热情,中事纵横将欢迎您的加盟。
- The second part summarizes the new female imageries, new characters and old female endowed new connotations.It stands out the major orientation of the female problem. 第二部分概括晚清文学作品塑造女性新形象、新品质,包括被赋予新内涵的旧式女性,显示出当时进步人士反映在晚清小说中思考女性问题的大体走向。
- SHL usually occurred in old females,and most of them presented no symptom. SHL女性多见,无症状者偏多,发病年龄偏高。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。