- Okamura Akihiko 冈村昭彦(1929-),日本人,记者、摄影家。
- S.E.N.S. of Y are Akihiko Fukaura,Yukari Katsuki and Hiroko Yakushimaru. 所有时间均为北京时间.;现在时间是02:02
- Okamura K,Okuma T,Tabira Y,et al.Effect of administered human growth hormone on protein metabolism in septic rats[J]. 卢才教;林才;徐建军;等.;联合应用谷氨酰胺和重组人生长激素对严重烧伤患者蛋白代谢的影响[J]
- We hereby give a serious warning to the gentlemen of the reactionary Nanking government. You must re-arrest Yasuji Okamura immediately and return him to prison without fail. 我们现在向南京反动政府的先生们提出严重警告:你们必须立即将冈村宁次重新逮捕监禁,不得违误。
- Tokimatsu Kohji and Akihiko Uchida,“Correlation Between Liquefaction Resistance and Shear Wave Velocity,”Soils and Foundations,Japan,Vol. 30, No.2,pp33-42(1990). 陈瑞禾,“现地试验评估黏土初始剪力模数之初步研究”,硕士论文,国立台湾大学土木工程研究所,台北。
- You were defeated and you asked for negotiations, but suddenly you declared the chief Japanese war criminal Yasuji Okamura not guilty. 你们打败了,要求谈判,忽然又宣告日本首要战犯冈村宁次无罪。
- Didn't you cause complication, for instance, by suddenly declaring Yasuji Okamura not guilty at a time when you were so anxious for negotiations? 例如当着你们如此急切地要求谈判的时候,忽然判决冈村宁次无罪,这难道不是节外生枝吗?
- Toda N,Okamura T. 张建新;李兰芳;王素敏.
- The Japanese side will be president of the Japan Federation of Economic Organizations Fujio Mitarai, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, director Tadashi Okamura, such as about 20 people attended. 日方将由日本经济团体联合会会长御手洗富士夫、日本商工会议所所长冈村正等约20人出席。
- And as we tried to come up with the ultimate liberation item for women, we thought of a fundoshi," said Tomoka Okamura, merchandise director for Wacoal's Nanafun female loincloths. 当我们想到为女性设计一款可以彻底解放她们身体的服饰时,我们想到了‘裈’。”
- 18 Masuda M, Aral Y, Okamura T, et al. 19夏鹄,刘白,王玉珍,等。
- Akihiko Ouchi; National Institute of Advanced Industrial Scienceand Technology (AIST); Ibaraki/Japan; 日本国家高级产业科学技术研究院日本;
- Author Guo Hui;Pu Dan;Wang Shumei;Luo Wentian;Aosai Fumie;Yano Akihiko (Department of Endocrinology;First Hospital of Xi an Jiaotong University;Xi an 710061;China); 作者郭辉;蒲丹;王淑梅;雒文田;青才文江;矢野明彦;
- The inside story about Okamura Yasuji, the top war criminal, being released in reason of no crime 侵华日军总司令冈村宁次被无罪开释内幕
- Okamura etal.A Cracked Column Under Compression [J].Eng. Fracture Mech., 1969,Vol.1 洪起超.;工程断裂力学基础[M]
- Okuyama Akihiko 奥山沼彦(1932-),日本人,警官。
- Okamura K.ONO Y.KINUKAWA T Randomized study of single early instillation of (2"R)-4'-O-tetrahydropyranyl- doxorubicin for a single superficial bladder carcinoma 2002(9 张良.;盛申耀
- Kimijima Akihiko 君岛东彦(1958-),日本人,立命馆大学国际关系部教授。
- Ōtsuka Akihiko 大冢明彦(1937-),日本人,实业家。
- Noro Akihiko 野吕昭彦(1946-),日本人,众议员。