- Okamoto Jun 冈本润(1901-78),日本人,诗人。
- Nitrogen forms about 78% of the earth's atmosphere. 氮约占地球大气的百分之七十八。
- Armstrong was born in New Orleans on Aug. 4, 1901. 阿姆斯特朗1901年8月4日出生于新奥尔良。
- Queen Victoria reigned from 1837 to 1901. 维多利亚女王自1837年至1901年在位。
- This is to introduce Mr. Wang Jun. 兹介绍王军先生。
- Walt Disney was born in Chicago in 1901. 沃尔特迪斯尼出生在1901年。
- Another victory led by Deng Jun. 在邓军领导下取得了又一个胜利。
- The United States elected Teddy Roosevelt in 1901. 1901年美国选举罗斯福当总统。
- JUN originally, dismissal of HOT, mood very bad. JUN本来就因为HOT的解散,心情非常不好。
- The weights amount to 78,000 Ibs. 重量合计为七万八千镑。
- Walt Disney was born in Chicago, in 1901. 迪斯尼于1901年出生在芝加哥。
- My score on the spelling test was 78. 我的拼写测验考了78分。
- Armstrong was born in New Orleans on Aug. 4, 1901. 阿姆斯特朗1901年8月4日出生于新奥尔良。
- He's very tall and erect for his 78 years. 他虽然已78岁了,但依然个头高,腰杆直。
- This tradition dates back to 1901. 这项传统要追溯到1901年。
- Ma Jun and Hu Shan are in the park, too. 马军和胡山也在公园里。
- Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2006; 4 (1) : 78?79. 中西医结合学报。
- English: The photo of Sun Yat Sen in Japan, 1901. 中文:这是孙中山先生在1901年于日本所拍的照片。
- Oh, she's my friend Li Jun's sister. 哦,她是我的朋友李军的妹妹。
- Open your book and turn it to page 78. 打开书翻到78页。