- Ogura Yoshio 小仓好雄(1903-),日本人,教育家。
- Ogura C, Koga Y, Shimokochi M, ed. Recent Advances in Event-Related Brain potential Research. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1996.1085-1088. 陈兴时,张明岛。事件相关脑电位与事件相关功能性磁共振。中华精神科杂志(待发表)
- The founders of these three areas are: Yoshio Mikami (1875-1950), Fujikawa Yu (1865-1940), Metro New kura (1873-1938). 在这三个领域的奠基人分别是:三上义夫(1875-1950)、富士川游(1865-1940)、新城新蔵(1873-1938)。
- Maeshima S,Funahashik R,Ogura M,et al.Unilateral neglct due to right lobe haematoma.J Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry,1994,57:89-93. 刘春风汤继宏.;大鼠脑出血后脑血流和脑水分含量变化的研究[J]
- Ogura, S. (1933), “The Tide in the Seas Adjacent to Japan”, Bulletin of Hydrographic Department, Imperial Japanese Navy, 7, 189 pp. 刘肖孔(1983),“中国海域三度空间数值模式”,行政院科技顾问组。
- Li Jun, Yoshio Sato, Akio Noda. An Experimental Study on DME Spray Characteristics and Evaporation Process in a High Pressure Chamber. SAE,2001,2001-01-3635. 文华;刘永长;魏明锐等.;二甲醚和柴油喷雾特性的数值模拟分析
- The movie features Maki Nishiyama and the so-called "musical prince" Yoshio Inoue.It is a fresh love story about a young couple. 想遇见又不能遇见的两人,因为这样不可思议的通信,现在开始了。
- "He loves to drink, so I once told him to be careful about his drinking," Yoshio Mori, a former prime minister, said in a TV interview. “他喜欢喝酒,所以我曾告诉他要对喝酒多加小心。”前首相森西朗在一个电视采访中如是说。
- Dear Aiyu: She english name is yuki-ogura,or Ogura-Yuki,Ogura is a family name. Also: Web site did not indicate the price,The need to write email inquiries. 原帖由艾雨于2007-11-0515:01:01发表亲爱的,我马上就把信息发给客户。:)太谢谢你了!我现在在外地出差,周三回家。对了,这个画家英文的名字叫什么呢...
- Yoshio Sato,Akira Noda,Tadashi Sakamoto.Combustion and NOx Emission Characteristics in a DI Methanol Engine Using Supercharging with EGR[C].SAE Paper 971647,1997. 压燃式发动机和装用压燃式发动机的车辆排气污染物现值及测试方法[S].
- Hideki, S. , and Yoshio, K. , and Hidekazu, N. , and Manabu A. , “Trailing Twist Axle Suspension Design Using ADAMS” , Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc, March 2000, pp.5-9. 吴德和、郑玮嵘,“利用ADAMS分析引擎运转对摩托车车架震动之影响”,国立屏东科技大学机械工程研究所硕士学位论文,民国八十九年六月。
- The museum by architect Yoshio Taniguchi combines two large buildings, one honoring a famous local ceramist and the other containing the city's growing collection of modern art. 由建筑师谷口义雄先生设计的美术馆由两个大型建筑物构成,一个用于纪念著名本地陶瓷艺术家ceramist和其他载有城市的不断增多的现代艺术。
- Identified by individual plant testing , analysis of RT-PCR and dot blot ,this fragment was only found in CMS cauliflower knxd612.Analysis of the sequence indicated it was high homologous(98%) with orf138 of Ogura CMS radish. 单株检测,RT PCR分析,斑点杂交鉴定,确定此片段为花椰菜细胞质雄性不育系 knxd612 所特有。 序列分析表明该片段与Ogura型胞质不育萝卜,不育相关开放读码框orf138的同源性高达98%25。
- Abstract: Crosses between female parent of Ogura male sterility Brassica napus L. and male parents of B. campestris ssp. chinensis Makino were made and F1, BC1 and BC2 generations produced. 以甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L, AACC,2n=38)Ogura细胞质雄性不育材料为母本,以不同白菜(B campestris ssp.;chinensis Makino;AA;2n=20) 自交系‘新选一号’和‘矮脚黄’为父本进行杂交,获得了杂种F1、BC1、BC2代。
- Kiyoko is a niece of former House of Representatives Speaker Yoshio Sakurauchi. Seiichi Ota, former director general of the Management and Coordination Agency, is also one of her relatives. 福田贵代子是日本前众议院议长樱内义雄的侄女,“管理与合作机构”的前总管太田诚一也是她的一位亲戚。
- Yoshio Shimizu. 李立轻;王文淑.
- Kepima,Yoshiyuki W,Yoshio T,et al.Ferrite Grain Refinement by Large Reduction per Pass in Non-recrystallization Temperature Region of Austenite[J].ISIJ International,1996,36(5):6301. 冯光宏;李岩;戴蓓蓉;等.;在未再结晶区大压下后加速冷却工艺对钢板带状组织的影响[J]
- Michael Clarke Duncan Chad Bannon Yoshio Be 法瑞尔迈克尔·克拉克·邓肯
- Ogura,S.,1933:The Tide in The Seas Adjacent to Japan。 钟致远,1986:台湾周围海面变化分析研究。
- MoMA mia! Yoshio Taniguchi doubled the pleasure at the world's modern art mecca 纽约现代艺术展览馆