- As CCTV's war reporter in Iraq, Shui Junyi was exposed to many dangers. 作为中央电视台在伊拉克的战地记者,水均益曾置身于种种危险之中。
- The People? S War has now entered the third year after completing two years. 人民战争已经进入第三年。
- To me this feels a lot like the RIAA's war against music downloading. 对我来说,这觉得有很多像RIAA表示,截止到战争的音乐下载。
- America\'s War of Independence heralded the birth of three modern nations. 美国独立战争宣布了三个现代国家的诞生,
- Cory: America isn't even 400 years old, now list all of USA's wars, and Iraq's wars and I'll believe you. 上面的那位):美国才不到400年;现在请列出美国发动的所有战争;然后再列出伊拉克的;然后我可能会相信你.
- As America’s best friend, with privileged access to intelligence, it feels compelled to take part in America’s wars. 作为美国最好的朋友,英国有接触情报的特权,也感到必须参加美国的战争。
- For the reactionary state today the People? S War has become the greatest obstacle. 对于今天的反动政权来说,人民战争已经成了他们最大的障碍。
- Biara seems to manage to be everywhere at the same time. How long exactly Queen Isabel\'s war lasted? 拜娅拉似乎在同一时间成功的出现在每个地方。伊莎贝尔皇后之战到底持续了多久?
- In 1999, Mr Schröder risked a vote of confidence to dispatch fighter planes to take part in NATO's war in Kosovo. 1999年,施罗德冒着信任投票的风险火速派出战斗机参加了北约的科索沃战争。
- Yang-ti\'s war on Koguryo weakened his Sui Empire and Sui fell to T\'ang in 618 AD. 炀帝对高句丽的战争使隋朝元气大伤,终于在六百一十八年被唐朝取代。
- It is now becoming clear that the Nepalese People? S War will have a historic role in developing new wave of world revolution in the near future. 现在变得越来越清晰的是尼泊尔人民战争在不久的将来在促进世界革命新浪潮中将发挥历史性的作用。
- The continuous development of the Nepalese People? S War has not only started exposing Nepalese revisionism but also world revisionism. 尼泊尔人民战争的不断发展不仅揭露了尼泊尔修正主义而且揭露了世界的修正主义。
- They instigated the reactionaries against tile People? S War by making mountain out of mole hills of insignificant events at local level. 他们通过把地区级的没有意义的事件夸大为重大的事件的方式煽动反动派反对人民战争。
- This way the Nepalese People? S War has proved to be a big slap to the world imperialist system which is undergoing new economic and political crises. 已经证明,尼泊尔人民战争对正在经历新的经济与政治危机的世界帝国主义体系扇了重重的一巴掌。
- SRAEL'S war with Hizbullah shows no sign of relenting, despite the extraordinary human and economic costs on both sides of the border. 以色列同真主党的战争看似没有偃旗息鼓的迹象,尽管黎以边境的两方已遭受了巨大的人员伤亡与经济损失。
- They exposed their true self by lending their voice to the reactionary state and by trumpeting the charge of terrorism and extremism against the People? S War. 他们通过与反动政府用同一个声调说话,指责人民战争是恐怖主义和极端主义。
- This television character, who first appeared in 2001, has been oddly at the heart of the arguments over the conduct of America’s “war on terrorism”. 这个荧屏形象早在2001年首次亮相后,就很奇怪地陷入美国“反恐战争”行为的争论核心中。
- The butcher chopped offa rib of frozen pork. 屠夫砍下一块冻肉的肋条。