- Of scans to write at a time 设定每次程序要写入的
- He used to abandon his work for months at a time. 他过去每次放下工作就是几个月。
- You need to load thousand of entries at a time. 你很少的时间里需要装载上千的数据项。
- I began to write at the age of forty. 我在四十岁起开始写作的。
- He ceased to write at the age of sixty. 他60岁停止了写作。
- Such waste of money should be deprecated at a time like this. 在这种时候应大力反对如此浪费金钱。
- Don't try to do everything at once; take it a bit at a time. 不要什麽事情都一块儿干,要一次做一点儿。
- Personal enmities must be forgotten at a time of national crisis. 民族危机当头,必须捐弃个人恩怨。
- He tossed the peanuts into his mouth one at a time. 他每次将一粒花生扔进嘴里。
- Giving birth to more than one offspring at a time. 一产多胎的一次分娩多个幼体的
- The remarkable thing is that the novel was written at a time before motor-cars and aeorplanes were even conceived of. 值得注意的是,这本小说竟是在汽车和飞机发明之前写出来的。
- The remarkable thing is that the novel was written at a time before motor-cars and aeorplanes were even conceivel of. 值得注意的是,这本小说竟是在汽车和飞机发明之前写出来的。
- Write multiple failing tests at a time. 不要一次写多个失败的测试。
- If only problems would come one at a time! 要是问题一次只发生一个该多好!
- Each source can only write to only one event log at a time; however, your application can use multiple sources to write to multiple event logs. 每个源一次只能写入一个事件日志;但是,您的应用程序可以使用多个源写入多个事件日志。
- Doubtless this is because the older text was written at a time when many of the Perl 5 Unicode features were not ready for the prime time. 毫无疑问,这是因为在编写旧版本的时候,很多Perl 5 Unicode特性的时机还没有成熟。
- I can only talk to one at a time. 我只能一次跟一个人谈话。
- At a time like this, I don't grudge a thing. 在这样的时候,我什么都舍得。
- Cross the road one at a time don't bunch up. 一次一个地过马路--别都挤在一起。
- It was an exaggerated view.It was written at a time when nobody had tried to be specific about what were the real changes that the American RMA implied. 你应当了解那篇文章是为了阐述这种观点而言写的,它用的是矫枉过正的办法,这篇文章是在还没有人试图对美国军事革命真正意味着什么样的变化进行专门研究的时候写成的。