- Of Vanished Dames--- and Men? 是那些消失的女人---和男人?
- Juno begged it as a gift. What could the king of gods and men do? 朱诺请求朱庇特把牛送给她做礼物,众神和人类之王有什么办法可想呢?
- Beware of women with beards and men without beards. 当心有胡子的女人和没有胡子的男人。
- The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. 谚语:人们精心设计的计划往往容易出岔子。
- The best-laid schemes of mice and men? 到底周详的计划跟老鼠有甚么关系呢?
- Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee. 照大多数人那样干,人们会把你称赞。
- Do as most men do and men will eak well of thee. 照大多数人那样干,人们会把你称赞。
- Do the memories of vanished months of May linger in my limbs? 消失了的五月的回忆仍旧流连在我的肢体上么?
- This religion emphasizes chasteness in women and men. 这个宗教强调男女的贞洁。
- The ship's captain commands all the officers and men. 舰长统率舰上全体官兵。
- At Olympus Zeus ruled as the father of gods and men. 宙斯作为山神和人类之父主宰着那里的一切。
- She had sweethearts a-plenty and men of high degree. 她有大量的高素质甜心追求者哦。
- Or have you had enough of death and lice and men chopped up? 还是你看够了死亡,腐虱及以及伤员被割锯?
- The schemes of folly are sin, and men detest a mocker. 愚妄人的思念乃是罪恶;亵慢者为人所憎恶。
- This cursed business accursed of God and man, what is it? 这个天怒人怨的鬼制度,到底是什么玩意儿呢
- It is one of the few tailless mammals beside the apes and man. 然而猿猴通常不被认为适合搂抱;的确,它们常因体形太大或太顽劣而令人害怕。
- For men / may come / and men / may go. (此诗行四个部份有四个音步)
- Between man and man we think it unwise to do that. 我们私下认为那样做是不明智的。
- Regular use of vanishing lotion gives you an eternal sweet smell. 常用美容霜,给您永恒的芳香。
- Nature and Man is a very harmonious exchanges. 自然与人是一种很融洽的交流。