- He fed his anger with thoughts of revenge. 复仇的意念煽起他的怒火。
- Thoughts of revenge kept running through his mind. 他脑海里时刻萦绕着复仇的念头。
- He secretly entertained thoughts of revenge. 他暗中怀有报复的想法。
- He is cogitating upon some means of revenge. 他正在策划着报复的手段。
- We should dismiss all thought of revenge. 我们应该屏除一切报复的念头。
- He dismissed all thoughts of revenge. 他放弃了所有报复的念头。
- We should dismiss all thought of revenge . 我们应该摒除一切报复的念头。
- Aleck belonged to a fellowship of revenge. 亚力克属于一个报仇团体。
- Increases the damage of Revenge and Seismic Slam. 增加复仇和碎裂践踏造成的伤害。
- How valid is the motive of revenge? 报仇的动机是如何有根据?
- Cartooning was a sort of revenge. 创作漫画算是对它们的一种报复。
- He is ready to die in pursuit of revenge. 他誓死报仇。
- I began to have thoughts of revenge. 我开始有了报复的念头。
- Gaea: The story of revenge has been told before. 盖亚:复仇的故事曾被预言。
- I could hardly get to sleep for dreaming of revenge. 我想象着复仇,想得几乎不能入睡。
- Thus, Tiago locked Cobolli in the washroom as a sort of revenge. 因此,蒂亚戈把吉利锁在厕所里作为对他的小报复。
- Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves. 还有孔夫子说的这个,是论语上有的么?
- He said the intent is to stop the cycle of revenge and violence. 他说,谈判的目的是结束复仇和暴力的循环。
- The best kind of revenge is, not to become like unto them. 报复的最好方式就是不要变成像他们一样的人。
- To forgive our enemies is a charming way of revenge. 饶恕敌人是一种巧妙的报复方法.