- Oedogonium petrin. 彼得鞘藻
- They used a Petri dish of mouse nerve cells and a fluorescent lamp. 她们使用有盖培养皿培养了老鼠神经细胞并使用荧光灯进行照射处理。
- Will Shortz was one of the first into the Petri dish. 威尔.;史渥茨就是最早踏进这个培养皿的其中一人。
- I'd become quite attached to these little blobs on the Petri dish. 我的注意力都被吸引到细菌培养皿中的这一滴滴的细菌群上。
- Petri: I can't remember whether we keep the standard sample, any inputs? 我不记得我们是否保存了用于测试仪器的标准样本,你的意见?
- The aim this year was to reprogram cells to work cooperatively to form patterns, such as polka dots, in a petri dish. 今年度的目标是改造细胞的基因,使它们彼此合作,在培养皿上形成一些小圆点之类的特殊图案。
- THE population of bugs in a Petri dish typically increases in an S-shaped curve. 细菌培养皿里面的细菌数量呈典型的S曲线分布。
- The characters of the system software safety analysis with Petri nets are summedup. 总结了基于Petri网的系统软件安全性分析的特点。
- Chlorella, Pediastrum;Ulotrichales, filamentous, and thallose plants, or coenocytic tubes, e.g.Ulothrix, Ulva, Enteromorpha;and Oedogoniales, e.g. the filamentous Oedogonium. 还有一些种类是丝状或多细胞的管状,例如丝藻属,石莼属,浒苔属和鞘藻属。
- Petri, I just contacted with buddy for Onosokki. We want to ship it to PD and after test ship back to CD. Do you agree? 我刚和浦东的工程师联系,我想将仪器运到上海做测试再运回成都。
- "In the career that received the injury is very unfortunate," Kings president of basketball affairs Petri said. “在职业生涯中收到如此的伤是十分不幸的,”国王篮球事务总裁佩特里说。
- Even some scientists feared that Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards might have brewed pestilence in a petri dish. 甚至连某些科学家也担心,斯特普托及爱德华斯可能从培养皿中酿出了祸害。
- A maximum of 27.95 green plant/anther was obtained in one Petri dish con- tained 60 anthers on 0.1 M,for 3 day. 另外;在0.;1M 甘露醇预处理3天的处理中一个培养皿60枚花药;绿苗产量达到每个花药产生27
- The cells are grown in a Petri dish, then layered onto a three-dimensional mold shaped like a bladder. 这些细胞放在培养血碟中,之后涂抹成三度空间态好比膀胱一样。
- We redefine the correctness of a personal process and address the verification method based on Petri Nets. 我们重新定义了个人工作流的正确性,并且提出在派翠网上的检验方法。
- This paper discusses how to simulate Turing machine by Petri net from the viewpointof information transformation. 本文从信息变换的角度来阐明“如何用Petri网模拟Turing机”。
- Besidcs,the reduction of multi -are petri nets and the decomposition of petri nets are briefly discussed. 此外,本文还就多弧 Petri 网的归约问题和 Petri 网的分解问题作了简要讨论。
- Petri Net, Finite State Automata (FSA), IDEF3 and State Charts are traditionally used for behavior modeling. Petri Net、有限自动机、IDEF3和状态图是常用的行为建模方法。
- Petri Nets was raised by Carl Adam Petri in Germany and set forth by Peterson later. Petri网是由德国的Carl Adam Petri提出,后来由Peterson加以阐述。
- Petri net becomes the extended Petri net (EPN) by introducing the extended description of timed places and tokens. 通过导入“时间Place”和“象征”的附加描述,使Petri网成为扩充的Petri网(EPN);