- Oedogonium nitidumn. 优美鞘藻
- Zanthoxylum nitidum ( Roxb. ) DC. 两面针
- Paper products business is not the strong points of Zanthoxylum nitidum. 纸品业务并不是两面针的强项。
- Var. nitidum Rehd.And also inspected the preparation of rhamnose by hydrolyzes kaempferitrin. 同时考察了水解山柰苷和芦丁制备鼠李糖的工艺。
- Definition: Shinyleaf Pricklyash Root is the dried root of Zanthoxylwn nitidum (Roxb.) DC (Fam.Rutaceae). 本品为芸香科植物两面针 Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.;) DC
- Definition: Shinyleaf pricklyash root is the dried root of Zanthoxylum nitidum(Roxb)DC. (Fam.Rutaceae). 本品为芸香科植物两面针Zanthoxylum nitidum(Roxb)DC.;的干燥根。
- A brief summary of Zanthoxylum nitidum (Rox.)DC in pharmacognosy,chemical composition,pharmacology,application and development is reported. 扼要综述两面针的形态特征、化学成分、药理研究和开发应用情况。
- Chlorella, Pediastrum;Ulotrichales, filamentous, and thallose plants, or coenocytic tubes, e.g.Ulothrix, Ulva, Enteromorpha;and Oedogoniales, e.g. the filamentous Oedogonium. 还有一些种类是丝状或多细胞的管状,例如丝藻属,石莼属,浒苔属和鞘藻属。
- Survey on wild germplasm of Zanthoxylum nitidum in Guangxi was conducted via field investigation and interview investigation. 摘要采用实地调查和走访调查相结合的方法对两面针在广西的野生种质资源情况进行调查。
- Determination of nitidine chloride in Shinyieaf Pricklyash(Zanthoxylum nitidum) [J].Chin Tradit Herbal Drugs, 1998, 29(7): 445-6. HPLC法测定两面针中氯化两面针碱的含量[J].;中草药;1998;29(7):445-6
- It is the first time to establish a HPLC method for determing the contents of kaempfertrin extracted from Ligustrum sinecse Lour.Var. nitidum Rehd. 本文首次建立了高效液相色谱法测定光叶小腊树中山柰苷含量、可见分光光度法测定样品中鼠李糖含量的方法。
- The main research includes: Using ethanol extrat and macroporous resin refining to isolate kaempferitrin from Ligustrum sinecse Lour.Var. nitidum Rehd. 主要研究工作包括: 采用乙醇提取-大孔吸附树脂精制的方法提取光叶小腊树花中的山柰苷。
- Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.)DC. 两面针
- Zanthoxylum nitidum DC. 两面针
- The present paper reports the differences between Zanthoxylum nitidum stem and its three adulterants (Toddalia asiatica, Z. armatum, Z. echinocarpum) on morphological and histological characters, TLC and UV-identification. 本文报道两面针(Zanthoxylum nitidum)茎及3种伪品飞龙掌血(Toddalia asiaiica)、竹叶椒(Z.;armatum)和刺壳椒(Z
- The inhibiting effect of different dose groups of water-decocted liquid of Zanthoxylum nitidum DC on UDS induced by Cdso4 could be improved by the increasing dose, the strongest effect appeared in the 40 times human dose group. 两面针水煎液在10 X、20X、 40X 人剂量组时对由Cdso4诱导的UDS有抑制作用,且随剂量的增大抑制作用逐渐增强。
- Contribution to the biggest nitidine still are "nitidum" brand of toothpaste products. 2007年, toothpaste business of its total operating income of 60%, the first half of 2008 also accounted for 50%. 对两面针贡献最大的仍旧是“两面针”品牌的牙膏产品。2007年,牙膏业务占其总营业收入的60%25左右,2008年上半年也占50%25左右。
- ObjectiveTo observe the clinical efficacy of drug toothpaste containing 2%Zanthoxylum Nitidum extract in reducing accumulation of dental plaque and occurrence of gingivitis in adults. 目的观察含2%25中药两面针提取液的牙膏在减少成年人牙菌斑积聚和牙龈炎形成方面的效果。
- Oedogonium intermedium var. depressumn. 中型鞘藻扁孢变种
- Oedogonium intermedium var. breviarticulatumn. 中型鞘藻短胞变种