- Ochiai关联度指数Ochiai association index
- KY型节点KY-joints
- 阻燃剂KY-Fwfire-retardant KY-Fw
- Ky-Fan函数Ky - Fan function
- Fan-Ky极大极小不等式Fan-Ky minimax inequality
- 基于方差分析、X2检验、Ochiai指数、Dice 指数和Jaccard指数等系列技术,测定了重庆四面山次生灌丛12个主要种群间的总体相关性,各种对间联结显著性和关联强度.With the use of a series of techniques , the interspecif ic association among the 12 dominant populations from the secondary shrub of mountain Simian in Chongqing was quantitatively studied. The analysis of variance was used for the explanation of the overall association of all the species; x2 -test for the interpretation of the notebility and quality of interspecific assoc iation;
- Ky-Fan’s极大极小不等式Ky - Fan' s minimax inequality
- KY-2型高密度压井液助剂的研制与应用Additive KY-2 for High Density Well Control Fluids
- 耐温抗盐聚合物KY的合成及性能影响因素Influence factors on Synthesis and Characters of Temperature Tolerance and Salt Resistance Polymer KY as a Flooding Agent
- KY-310牙轮钻机稳车千斤顶下沉的浅析与处理Analysis and soution of the amount sunk of supporting jack in KY-310 drilling rig
- KY-Fw木材阻燃剂对木材吸湿性和尺寸稳定性的影响Effects of KY-Fw wood fire-retardant on wood hygroscopicity and dimensional stability
- 安徽石马UHP-Ky榴辉岩中绿辉石变形结构的HREM研究HREM Study of The Deformed Microstructure of Omphacite in UHP Ky eclogite from Shima, Anhui Province
- Nd:KY(WO_4)_2和Nd:KG(WO_4)_2晶体吸收光谱性能分析Absorption spectrum analysis of Nd:KY(WO_4)_2 and Nd:KG(WO_4)_2 crystals
- 早在九三年,我厂的ky系列键盘就在电子部外部设备检测中心的分等测试中被评定为"优等品"。In1993, the series of" KY" keyboard was commended as excellent products by the center of equipment testing of electron department.
- 方法采用岛津AA-670原子吸收分光光度仪及GFA-4A石墨炉,上海电光KY-1铂空心阴极灯,检测波长265.9 nm,测定大鼠血浆和尿液中的赛特铂含量。METHODS Satraplatin in plasma and urine was analyzed by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry on an instrument Shimadzu AA-670 atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipped with a Shimadzu GFA-4A graphite furnace,and an ASC-60 autosampler. The detection wavelength was set at 265.9 nm.