- Discussion on Essence and Features of Popper's Objective Knowledge Theory 解读波普尔客观知识理论的本质与特性
- Objective Knowledge Theory 客观知识理论
- Based on Popper's theory of 'Three Worlds', we acknowledge the existence of the objective knowledge world. 本文以波普的“三个世界”理论为基础 ,肯定客观知识世界的存在。
- Abstract: Originating from Greek philosophy, Western theory of knowledgeprobes into the problem of the possibility of objective knowledge, which is embedded in realism. 文摘:西方知识论始于希腊哲学,探讨对于外部实在的知识何以可能的问题,这种知识论是包含在实在论中的;
- Dale and G?del seem to be kindred spirits in this point, with Hayekian knowledge theory. 在这一点上,达尔似乎和哥德尔心心相通,拥有哈耶克式的知识论。
- Virtue as spiritual knowledge and objective knowledge are not the same after all and they should communicate further. 另一方面又说明,作为德性精神支撑的知识与外在客观知识虽有必然联系,但两者依然不是同一类型的知识,需进一步打通与融合。
- The input can be formalized into the format of Object Knowledge Canonical Form( OKCF). 此外,本研究探讨专家系统的自动生成,而且探讨如何生成于多个专家系统发展工具上。
- Still, St. Augustine discussed the formation of abstract concepts, the source of true ideas and other issues of knowledge theory in terms of language, memory and illumination. 尽管如此,奥古斯丁围绕语言、记忆与光照,分别论述了抽象概念的形成、真观念的源泉等知识论问题。
- The input can be formalized into the format of Object Knowledge Canonical Form(OKCF). 此外,本研究探讨专家系统的自动产生,而且探讨如何产生于多个专家系统发展工具上。
- Therefore,the traditional knowledge theory of objectivism is still not desirable and the limitation of modern knowledge theory of subjectivism should not be underestimated. 因此,传统的“客观主义”知识论固然是不可取的,现代的“主观主义”知识轮的局限性也不可轻视。
- In Popper's opinion ,the w orld com prises three com ponents,the physicalone,the intrapsychic one and the cultural or objective knowledge one. 波普尔认为世界包括3个部分,即由物质客体和其他形式的物理能量构成的世界1,由内心主观感受构成的世界2,以及由人类心灵产物构成的世界3。
- If combining with the macrocosmic methods, maybe we can have some comprehensive and objective knowledge of the American higher education. 如果与美国高等教育宏观的研究相结合,我们就会对美国高等教育的发展形成比较全面和客观的认识。
- Popper's historical philosophy is not attached to but deeply rooted in the scientific philosophy of critical rationalism and the objective knowledge science. 波普尔的历史哲学并非仅仅附属于其科学哲学,它与批判理性主义的科学哲学和客观知识学说有着盘根错节的联系,并且从中独立出来,充分显示了其自主性。
- The subjectification of objective knowledge is to internalize knowledge on a certainmedia (objective knowledge) into the knowledge of human brain (subject knowledge). 客观知识主观化就是将荷载于某一载体上的知识(客观知识)内化于人脑的知识(主观知识)之中。
- Along with the advent of knowledge-based economic era, the flowage of knowledge is more and more frequent, and the knowledge theory is becoming the research background of the capacity of technical innovation gradually. 随着知识经济时代的到来,知识流动越来越频繁,知识理论逐渐成为技术创新能力的研究背景。
- The engineering question would be shabbier if we unscramble engineering under the knowledge theory and the normal of technology and if we think it is the extension and application of technology. 在知识论和技术的范式下解读工程,把工程看成科学和技术的延伸和应用,将会使工程问题蔽而不明。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- On Knowledge Theory as a Sort of Metaphysics 论作为一种形而上学的知识论
- knowledge theory and axiological esthetics 知识论与价值论美学
- Try to be more objective about it. 尽量更客观地对待此事吧。