- OT syntax 优选句法学
- Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese. 让我们研究一下汉语的语法。
- OT can be applied in syntax, semantics and in language acquisition studies in addition to its original domain, (morpho) phonology. 优选理论最初应用于形态音系学。近年来很多研究将优选理论应用于句法、语义和语言习得领域。
- This kind of bird has now almost died ot. 这种鸟现在几乎绝种了。
- We ca ot work well without a proper plan. 如果计划不好,我们的工作就做不好。
- The attribute schema has bad syntax. 属性架构语法不对。
- An attack ot influenza soon pulls you down. 害一次流行性感冒很快就使你虚弱下来。
- An invalid dn syntax has been specified. 指定了一个无效的 dn 语法。
- Incorrect syntax near '%.*ls', expected '%.*ls'. ''%251!'' 附近有语法错误,需要 ''%253!''。
- Sam pulled out ot the scheme at the last moment. 山姆于最后一刻退出那项计划。
- I'll have ot come skateboarding again here. 我下次再到这儿来玩滑板。
- The name syntax is not supported. 不支持该名称语法。
- Delimits parameters of syntax items. 分隔语法项的参数。
- San mao have three piece ot hairs? 三毛有三根头发?
- Have the power, means ot opportunity to do sth. 有能力、办法或机会做某事。
- Red squigglies mark syntax errors. 红色标记标出的是语法错误。
- Morphology and syntax of Haitian Creole. 海地克理澳尔语的构词法和语法。
- Brave deeds adding luster ot one's name. 使自己扬名增光的英勇业绩。
- The same man ca ot be both friend and flatterer. 朋友与奉承者不会是同一个人。
- Display colour syntax highlighted source. 显示有语法高亮色彩的源代码。