- The Olympic Stadium, the centre of the Olympic Games 2004, is situated at Maroussi in the northern suburb of Athens and it is part of the Athens Olympic Sports Complex (OAKA). 奥林匹克体育场是2004年奥运会的主会场,坐落在雅典北部郊区的马鲁希,是雅典奥林匹克体育中心(简称OAKA)的一部分。
- Do you think you can get me to the Olympic Stadium? 你能不能送我到奥运会场馆?
- The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre. 奥林匹克体育场在市中心的北部。
- What is the capacity of The Athens Olympic Stadium? 雅典奥运体育馆能容纳多少观众?
- How do I get to the Olympic Stadium? 到奥林匹克体育场怎么走?
- The Olympic stadium is brand new. 奥林匹克体育馆是崭新的。
- A Where is the new Olympic Stadium? 新建的奥运场馆在哪里?
- A Yes. The Olympic stadium is brand new. 有。奥林匹克体育馆是崭新的。
- Are you going to the Olympic Stadium? 你是要去奥林匹克体育场么?
- AIs it far to the Olympic Stadium? 到奥林匹克体育馆远吗?
- The largest cause for concern is the Olympic stadium. 最让人担心的是奥运主场馆。
- What's the best way to go and see the Olympic stadium? 怎么走最容易如果我想去看奥运场馆?
- I'm not sure if I'll get a ticket for the Olympic stadium. 我还不确定要不要买票去参观奥运场馆。
- Kelvin: How do I get to the Olympic Stadium, please? 我怎么去奥林匹克运动场?
- Diarmuid: So Tiananmen Square is south of the Olympic Stadium. 没错。天安门广场在奥运馆的南面。
- Will a Chinese flag barrow prould lead a team into a Olympic stadium? 中国何时才能派出自己的奥运会代表团?
- Is it far from the Olympic Stadiums? 离奥林匹克体育馆远吗?
- People built a statue of Paavo Nurmi in front aof the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki to commemorate him. 人们为了纪念他,在芬兰首都赫尔辛基奥运体育场前放置了一个鲁米的雕像。
- Oh while I am here, one place I would like to visit, is the Olympic Stadium where the World Cup final was held. 对了既然来了柏林,有个地方我是一定要去看看的,那就是奥林匹克体育场,世界杯决赛就是在那里举行的呢。
- On the reverse, an Olympic champion carried in triumph by the crowd, with the Olympic stadium in the background. 奖牌背面为一名奥运冠军被群众簇拥,场面欢欣鼓舞。背景是奥林匹克体育场。