- Value to a specified number of decimal places. 值舍入到指定的小数位数。
- Number of decimal places in a numeric variable. Scale:数值类型的小数位数。
- The number of decimal places to store with the number. 小数位最长长度。
- Indicates the number of decimal places to use in currency values. 指示要在货币值中使用的小数位数。
- Sets the number of decimal places for the values in the field. 设置字段中的值的小数位数。
- Rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places. 将值舍入到最接近的整数或指定的小数位数。
- The precision specifier indicates the desired number of decimal places. 精度说明符指示所需的小数位数。
- Enables you to specify the number of decimal places to display for a number in the bound control. 使您可以指定为绑定的控件中的数值显示的小数位数。
- For example, you can control the number of decimal places, choose a currency format, or choose a date format. 例如,可以控制小数位数,选择货币格式或选择日期格式。
- CoordinateRounder Rounds off the coordinates of the feature to the specified number of decimal places. 坐标保留指定位数小数。
- Set decimal places for currencies Each currency has a different number of decimal places. 设置货币小数位。
- RandomNumberGenerator Generates a random number with a set number of decimal places in the inclusive range specified. 根据指定的数值范围和小数位数生成随机数。
- Specify the number of decimal places to use when displaying numbers. 指定显示数字时要使用的小数位数。
- Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places or to a whole number if no decimal places are specified. 将数字四舍五入到指定的小数位数,或如果未指定小数位数,则四舍五入为整数。
- The number of fixed penalty tickets issued for moving offences increased by 1.7 per cent compared with 1996. 与一九九六年比较,因违例行车事项而发出定额罚款通知书的数目增加1.;7%25。
- The DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT option determines the number of decimal places to which the TIMESTAMP value is truncated. DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_INCREMENT选项确定小数位数,TIMESTAMP值将截断成该位数。
- In order to save money, the number of fixed employees in each department has to be reduced. 为了节约开支,各部门的定编还要缩减。
- The following table illustrates how the Number of decimal places property is set according to the Decimal Places setting in Access. 下表解释了如何根据Access中的“小数位数”设置来设置“小数点位数”属性。
- For certain junior ranks, a small number of staff with strong performance may receive some adjustments in the form of Fixed Pay increases. 在某些基层级别中,少数表现突出的职员的固定薪酬可能获得轻微调整。
- The value after the format character (xx in the general example) specifies the number of significant digits or decimal places to display. 格式字符后的值(常规示例中为xx)指定显示的值的有效位数或小数位数。