- It will take a number of days to finish writing my paper. 我得花上许多天来写完我的报告。
- Function to display the number of days between a given date and today. 函数显示给定日期和今天的间隔天数。
- If you don't want a webpage history kept, set the number of days to 0. 如果不希望保留网页历史记录,请将天数设置为0。
- Number of days to remember visited pages in history. Default value is 9 . 访问过的页面在历史中保留的天数。缺省值是9。
- After this value is set, you have the specified number of days to recover mailboxes that were deleted accidentally. 在设置此值之后,就会有指定的天数来恢复意外删除的邮箱。
- Number of days to retain the last backup version of an object that has been deleted on the client. 保留已从客户机上删除的某一对象的最新备份版本的天数。
- This is an ideal number of days to turn an spontaneous action into a ritualized action (aka habit). 这是一段理想的时间,以便把自发性的行动变成一个习惯性的动作(又名习惯)。
- The farmer must be a certain number of days to prohibit farming in order to show that to meet the solemn Raytheon. 农夫必须若干天禁止耕作,以示迎接雷神的庄重。
- Since this workbook is protected for sharing, you cannot decrease the number of days to keep the change history. 此工作簿为受保护的共享工作簿,因此,您不能减少修订情况记录的天数。
- The number of days lost through strike has fallen. 因罢工而失去的工作日减少了。
- He was absent a number of days and got his leave. 他好几天没上班,后来被解雇了。
- The number of days in February this year is. 今年二月份的天数是二十八天。
- The day (1 through the number of days in month). 日(1到month中的天数)。
- Has the number of days been recorded? 这时间记录下了么?
- What is the mean number of days off schedule? 延期交货天数的平均值是多少?
- Specify a number of days in the text field. 在文字方格中填入天数。
- I will host a student extern for the following number of days. 在2008年外展实训进行期间,我可以提供以下天数的实训机会。
- Can be used to display the number of the line causing the exception. 可用于显示导致异常的行号。
- Specifies the number of characters to display in a line before wrapping. 指定换行之前在一行中显示的字符数。
- Method to display the number of users considered active on the Web site. 方法来显示被视为网站活动用户的数量。