- Nukaga Akitomo 额贺章友(1927-),日本人,出版社负责人。
- Mr Nukaga declined to say if they had talked about the dollar. 额贺福志郎拒绝说他们是否谈及美元。
- Japanese Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga spoke to reporters following the meeting. 日本财政大臣额贺福志郎在会后告诉记者说,
- "From now on, I'd like to monitor foreign exchange movement with great interest," Nukaga said. “从现在起,我将怀着极大的兴趣监控外汇状况。”
- Nukaga told parliament in Tokyo Thursday that Japan wants to speed up work it has already begun, in cooperation with the United States, on a missile-interceptor network. 额贺福志郎星期四在东京对日本国会议员说,日本希望加快已经开始的与美国合作研制导弹拦截系统的步伐。
- Nukaga said it was important for Japan, China and India to lead the global economy at this time of increasing uncertainty. 在不确定性增加的情况下,日本、中国和印度引导全球经济非常重要。
- Japan's defense chief, Fukushiro Nukaga, says Tokyo wants to develop a missile-defense system together with the United States as soon as possible. 日本防卫厅长官额贺福志郎说,东京希望尽快与美国共同研制导弹防御系统。
- Japan's defe e chief, Fukushiro Nukaga, says Tokyo wants to develop a mi ile-defe e system together with the United States as soon as po ible. 日本防卫厅长官额贺福志郎说,东京希望尽快与美国共同研制导弹防御系统。
- Shortly after declaring his candidacy, Fukuda won the backing of the finance minister Fukushiro Nukaga, who withdrew his own bid. 福田康夫宣布参加角逐后,福田康夫赢得了宣布退出竞选的主管财政的大藏省大臣额贺福志郎的支持。
- Nukaga told parliament in Tokyo Thursday that Japan wants to eed up work it has already begun, in cooperation with the United States, on a mi ile-interceptor network. 额贺福志郎星期四在东京对日本国会议员说,日本希望加快已经开始的与美国合作研制导弹拦截系统的步伐。
- Many governments have introduced food subsidies or export restrictions to counter rising costs, but they have only exacerbated price rises on global markets, Nukaga said. 额贺福志郎说,许多国家的政府已实施粮食补贴或出口的限制,以应对价格的上升,但他们却加剧了全球市场物价上涨。
- Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga told reporters excessive foreign exchange volatility is not good for global growth and promised to keep a close watch. 财政大臣额贺福志郎告诉记者,过多的外汇波动不利于全球经济增长,并承诺继续密切留意美元利率的变动。
- "Those hardest hit are the poorest segments of the population, especially the urban poor," Nukaga told delegates to the Asian Development Bank's annual meeting in Madrid. “这些遭受最重打击的是最贫穷阶层,特别是城市穷人,”在马德里召开的亚洲开发银行年度会议,额贺福志郎告诉代表们。
- Japanese Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga said he had discussed currencies with US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, who refused last week to take intervention off the table. 日本财政部长额贺福志郎说他已经和美国财政部长亨利.;鲍尔森讨论过,亨利上礼拜拒绝把干涉放下。
- MADRID -- Soaring food prices may stoke civil unrest among Asia's poor and the region must raise food production to meet rising demand, Japanese Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga said on Sunday. 日本财务大臣额贺福志郎周日在马德里指出:食品价格的飙升在亚洲贫穷地区可能会引发内乱,这些地区必须提高粮食产量,以满足日益增加的需求。
- Akitomo 秋友
- Nukaga 额贺(姓,日本)
- Nukaga Hirooki 额贺大兴(1906-),日本人,县神社厅负责人。
- Nukaga Fukushirō 额贺福志郎(1944-),日本人,众议员。