- Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Zhang Yesui have also held separatetalks with Bolton on the North Korean nuclear crisis and global arms control. 外交部副部长王毅和张业遂,分别就朝鲜核问题以及全球武器控制等问题,与约翰博尔顿进行了交谈。
- North Korea must set about finding solutions to the nuclear crisis. 朝鲜必须着手找出解决核危机问题的办法。
- DPRK will become a country owning nuclear weapons and the nuclear crisis can not be solved in a short time. 朝鲜将实际成为“拥核”国家,朝核危机长期化的可能性越来越大。
- Crisis control with crisis as the object is characterized by incertitude, urgency and preventiveness. 危机管理的对象是危机,它具有不确定性、应急性和预防性。
- With our country's continuous mediation, the nuclear crisis was settled smoothly. 随着我国的不断从中转圜,核危机得以顺利解决。
- Solving the nuclear crisis of North Korea peaceably makes a neglected sensitive role to China"s rising peacefully. 朝核危机的和平解决对中国和平崛起具有不可忽视的积极作用。
- It is worth carrying out further study to apply the present results to enterprise crisis control and making further adjustments to the incorrectness. 在企业突发危机的合适情境中实战,并对不足的地方予以修正是后续的研究计划。
- The thesis looks for the way to solve peaceably the nuclear crisis of North Korea from international cooperation. 本文从国际合作的角度来寻求和平解决朝核危机的出路。
- China, which used unprecedented diplomatic leverage to arrange the meeting, says it hopes the talks aimed at defusing the nuclear crisis will continue. 中国这方面,正以前所未有的外交影响安排了这次会谈,并且表示,中国希望以解决核危机为目的的会谈能够继续。
- However, because of the limit of multilateral cooperation mechanism, it will need constant effort to solve peaceably the nuclear crisis of North Korea. 然而,多边合作机制也存在局限性,朝核危机的和平解决将需长期努力。
- Although the Cold War ended in 1990, the nuclear crisis doesn"t terminate, some topicality nuclear question repeatedly appears actually. 冷战结束后的20年中,核危机非但没有终止,一些地区性的核问题却频频出现。
- South Korea's new president, Roh Moo-hyun, has called the North Korean nuclear crisis a threat to world peace. He has urged North Korea to choose negotiations over conflict. 韩国新总统卢武铉称北朝鲜的核危机是对世界和平的一个威胁,并催促平壤选择协商对话解决冲突。更多消息,请下载收听。
- From the dimension of schedule and process, the nuclear crisis of North Korea can not be solved in a short time, and the deadlock can not be broken easily. 从危机的进程来看,朝核问题并不是一个一朝一夕就能解决的问题,朝鲜核危机的坚冰不易融化。
- The DPRK nuclear crisis has initiated a severe security trouble in the Korean peninsula and East-Asia area since October 2002. The crisis has existed for a long time. 朝鲜核危机由来已久。 20世纪90年代和去年10月以来发生的两次核危机,引发朝鲜半岛与东亚地区的严重安全问题。
- Ever since the outbreak of North Korean Nuclear Crisis, the international community has made tremendous diplomatic endeavors, aiming to solve the conjuncture. 自20世纪90年代初第一次朝核危机爆发以来,国际社会为解决核危机以及与之相关的一系列朝鲜半岛和平问题做出了大量的外交努力。
- As the concrete form of international cooperation, the multilateral cooperation mechanism is the main sill of the nuclear crisis of North Korea solving peaceably. 多边合作机制作为国际合作的具体形式,是和平解决朝核危机的主要基石。
- Ban met with President Lee Myung-bak earlier Tuesday and discussed ways to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis and deal with other global challenges including climate change. 星期二早些时候,潘基文会见李明博总统,讨论了解决朝鲜核危机问题,以及应对包括气候变化在内的其它全球性挑战的办法。
- Abroad, China has done little to help resolve the Iranian nuclear crisis, is ramping up assistance to Burma and has proved the main enabler of Kim Jong Il’s regime in Pyongyang. 在国外,中国未能帮助解决伊朗核危机问题,增加了对缅甸的援助,还成为朝鲜金正日政府的主要支持者。
- Enterprise crisis management includes crisis defence, crisis monitor, crisis controlment in advance, crisis policy decision, crisis handling and crisis summarization. 企业危机管理包括危机防范、测、控、策、理和总结等过程。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。