- Now we exile our emotion 如今一起去放逐感情
- Now we can carry on with our work. 现在我们可以继续干了。
- We've made our plans, and now we must put them into practice. 我们已订好计划,现在应付诸实施了。
- Now we'll get on to the next item on the agenda. 现在我们来讨论下一项议程。
- Now we feel we can hold our heads high again. 现在我们感到我们又可以昂首挺胸地做人了。
- Now we can do that as we have funds. 现在我们手头有现款就可以办这事了。
- Now we began to keep our own accounts. 现在我们开始自己记帐。
- Now we can clock up anther victory for our team. 现在我们可以再给我们的队记下一次胜利了。
- Now we are on our way to Panjin. 韩佳:我们现在是在去盘锦的路上。
- Here's five dollars. Now we are even-steven. Okay? 这五元给你,现在我们互不相欠,好了吧!
- Now we come to the crux of the problem. 现在我们来谈问题的症结所在。
- Now we begin to draw a circle with compasses. 现在我们开始用圆规画一个圆。
- Now we can continue with our homework. 现在我们可以继续做作业了。
- We intended to, but now we've changed our minds. 我们本来是打算这样,但后来改变主意了。
- Tribe man: Ah! Now we have our new tribe chief! 土著人:啊!我们有新一任酋长啦!
- Now we have to take aim at the problem and try to get it solved. 现在我们不得不正视这个难题并试图解决它。
- The enemy are firing off their big guns; now we should attack. 敌人在发射重武器了,我们现在就得进攻。
- Now we can scroll through our data offline. 现在,我们可以在离线数据中滚动了。
- Now we can take our time to taste the tea here. 这下我们可以好好品尝一下。
- Now we shall have our conversation class. 现在上会话课。