- Novolin 30R Penfill 诺和灵30R笔芯, 是一种降血糖药(含中性可溶性人胰岛素30%25、低精蛋白人胰岛素70 %25的卡式瓶装注射剂)
- Hypoglycemia incidences were 22% and 14% in Gansulin 30R and Novolin 30R respectively, most events were mild. 低血糖事件分别为22%25和14%25,大部分为轻度。
- Keywords Novorapid 30 flexpen;Novolin 30R;Sugar blood control; 诺和锐30特充;诺和灵30R;血糖控制;
- Novolin 30R 诺和灵30R(中性含可溶性人胰岛素30%25、低精蛋白人胰岛素70%25)
- The patients of CSII group short acting Novolin R was subcutaneous infused slowly by insulin pump continuously. MSII组患者14例,采用多次胰岛素注射法,在每日三餐前注射短效胰岛素,并在每晚睡前加注中效胰岛素。
- Member of the project team for the high speed Penfil Packaging Line A and B in NNTP. 作为诺和诺德笔芯高速包装线(A/B)项目组成员。
- Keywords Insulin lispro;Novolin R;Insulin pump; 赖脯胰岛素;诺和灵R;胰岛素泵;
- Novolin 50R Penfill 诺和灵50R笔芯(含50%25中性可溶性人胰岛素; 50%25低精蛋白锌人胰岛素)
- Novolin N Penfill 诺和灵N笔芯(含中性低精蛋白锌人胰岛素)
- Novolin R Penfill 诺和灵R笔芯(含中性可溶性人胰岛素)
- Keywords type 2 diabetes;secondary failure of Sulphonylureas (SFS);Novolin;Metformin; 关键词2型糖尿病;磺脲类药物继发失效;诺和灵;二甲双胍;
- Keywords Type II diabetes mellitus;Glargine;Novolin N;Glipizide extended-release tablets; 2型糖尿病;甘精胰岛素;诺和灵N;格列吡嗪控释片;
- Actrapid HM penfill PH7缓冲人胰岛素注射液(半合成), 降血糖药
- Human Actrapid Penfill 人单组分胰岛素[降血糖药]
- PenFill 胰岛素笔芯注射剂
- Novolin 70/30 70%25低精蛋白胰岛素混悬液、30%25普通胰岛素
- Novolin L 诺和灵L, 是一种降血糖药(含中性人胰岛素锌混悬液:无定状态胰岛素30%25、结晶状态胰岛素70 %25)
- Novolin N 诺和灵N(含中性低精蛋白锌人胰岛素)
- Novolin R 诺和灵R(含中性可溶性人胰岛素)
- Novolin 诺和灵