- Nothing will come of it, unless disaster. 此事除了引起灾祸以外不会有什么结果。
- There is a danger that nothing will come of it. 那儿有个无关痛痒的小问题
- Nothing will come of nothing. 无风不起浪。笨蛋总是笨蛋。
- Nothing but trouble will come of this plan. 这个计划只能带来麻烦。
- “ Nothing will come of nothing,” as a pre-retirement and still sane King Lear put it when his youngest daughter dared to withhold her affections. “无风不起浪”,就像依然健壮时却提前退休的李尔王,在他最小的女儿敢于拒绝花言巧语表达她对父亲的爱时的处理方式是一样的。
- “Nothing will come of nothing,” as a pre-retirement and still sane King Lear put it when his youngest daughter dared to withhold her affections. “无风不起浪”,就像依然健壮时却提前退休的李尔王,在他最小的女儿敢于拒绝花言巧语表达她对父亲的爱时的处理方式是一样的。
- I don't know if any good will come of your actions. 我不知道你的行为会带来什么好结果。
- Nothing will come out of it unless disaster. 这种事除非引起灾祸之外不会有什么结果。
- Nothing bad will come of drinking this. 喝这个不会有坏处。
- He promised to help, but I don't think anything will come of it. 他答应帮忙,但我想不会有任何结果。
- We don't know if anything good will come of your decision. 我们不知道你的决定是否会带来好处。
- Then we shall see what will come of his dreams. 看他那些梦如何应验。
- You consider what will come of him. 你认为他的结果会怎样。
- He will come of age a week from today. 他再过一个星期就成年了。
- Mary will come of driving age on her next birthday. 玛丽明年就到驾车的年龄。
- No good will come of all these violation activities. 这些违法行为都不会有好结果的。
- We do not know if anything good will come of your decision. 我们不知道你的决定是否会带来好处。
- He promised to help,but I don't think anything will come of it. 他答应帮忙,但我想不会有任何结果。
- I don't know what will come of Helen if she keeps scoring so low. 如果海伦继续考这样低的分数,不知道会发生什么事情。
- Nothing will induce me to jump into the icy water. 我怎么也不会想跳进这冰冷的水里。