- Note the es ending on the words in the last column. 注意在最后一栏中以es结尾的单词。
- Without looking at the notes on the previous page, rewrite the sentences with the words in the correct order. After you have checked your answers, read each sentence out loud. 请勿参阅前面示范的例句,将下列词汇组成一个完整的句子。在您核对答案后请大声地朗读这些句子。
- Notes on the Words in Sutra 佛经词语札记
- In the word "mother" the stress is on the first syllable. 在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。,在"mother"这一字里,重音在第一个音节上。
- The speaker had a sheaf of notes on the desk in front of him. 演讲者在他面前的桌子上放着一叠笔记。
- The accent in the word "importance" is on the second syllable. “importance”一词的重音在第二音节上。
- He jotted down a note on the pad by the telephone. 他在电话机旁的便笺本草草记下一个通知。
- I found a 5 note on the pavement. 我在人行道上捡到了一张5英镑的纸币。
- In the word `today' the accent is on the second syllable. today一字的重音在第二个音节上。
- The love note on the desk drawer in. 将爱的小纸条放在书桌的抽屉中.
- He memorized all the words on the list. 他把表上的所有单词都记在心里了。
- Learn the notes on the frets in this order. 按下列顺序学习音符。
- Taxonomic notes on the genus Schisandra Michx. 五味子属植物的分类学订正。
- I wrote on the cover of the book the words "I love you". 我在书的封面上写了"我爱你"这种字。
- He jotted down a note on the padby the telephone. 他在电话机旁的便笺本草草记下一个通知。
- The word “reissued” shall be noted on the reissued certificate of ascription of rights in a building or registration certificate. 补发的房屋权属证书、登记证明上应当注明“补发”字样。
- Post a note on the message board. 在留言板上发话。
- The word "exit" was lettered on the door. "出口"两字写在门上。
- Accent the word “woman”on the first syllable. “woman”一词在第一个音节重读。