- It is not quantity but quality that counts. 重要的不是数量而是质量。
- Not quantity but quality. 要质胜于量。
- It is not price but quality that sells our shoes. 我们的鞋好卖不是因为价钱低而是因为质量好。
- What we demand is not only quantity but also quality. 我们要求的不仅是量,而且是质。
- In production, we demand not only quantity but also quality. 对产品我们不仅要求数量,而且要求质量高。
- It is quality, not quantity that counts. 重要的是品质不是数量。
- They exist not only in quantity but also represent the best quality. 他们不但人多,而且还是顶尖的人才。
- Wisdom is likely to flourished in a world of quality not quantity! 智慧很可能在一个质量而不是数量的世界里增长!
- The new teacher is still very much an unknown quantity but we have hopes that he will be a valuable member of our team. 新教师是谁现在还难以预料,但我们希望他会成为我们队里的重要一员。
- Organic fertilizer and covering could improve not only quantity but also quality of the tea alcoholic aroma. 有机肥和覆盖不仅能提高醇系香气数量,而且能提高醇系香气质量。
- New sample receive but quality nothing better price increase unacceptable. 新样品已收到,质量不太好,“加价”无法接受。
- Final thought: it is not the quantity but the quality of friendswhich matters, in my opinion, my friends are the “ming pai”of朋友’s. 最后的想法:朋友在于精个人不在于多。在我认为我结交都是“名牌”朋友。
- Many of these basins produce dinosaurian eggs, and some produce dinosaurian eggs not only large in quantity but also rich in variety. 其中多个盆地发现恐龙蛋,某些盆地不仅数量丰富,且类型多种多样。
- Not only that, but quality liability policies will also help you prevent losing time during claim processing time. 不仅如此,但质量责任的政策,也将帮助您防止失去的时间,在索赔的处理时间。
- The key to connecting with other people is quality of time, not quantity, so make whatever moments you share with friends and family count. 与人交往的关键是时间的质量,而不是数量,让你与朋友和家人相处的每时每刻都变得举足轻重。
- Styling and value are what sells cars, but quality is what keeps them sold. 车子能不能卖出去,关键是车型和价格,可是车子能不能保持畅销不滞,关键就在于质量。
- It will not turn a bad tactic into a brilliant one, but quality communication can boost your team’s success and shorten dips in form at critical stages of the season. 它不会转坏的手法,成为一个辉煌的一个,但质量沟通可以促进团队的成功,并缩短样的形式在关键阶段的季节。
- Modern restaurant management decision is a comprehensive decision problem of complicated system.According to the routine method, we could only research it on the aspect of quality but not quantity. 摘要饭店经营战略选择是个复杂系统的综合决策问题,按照以往方式只能进行定性分析,而难以进行定量研究。
- The new teacher is still very much an unknown quantity but we have hoped that he will be a valuable member of our team. 新教师是谁现在还难以预料,但我们希望他会成为我们队里的重要一员。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。