- Q: Tenacity and honesty are endowments, surely! Not a trace of them I have. 不懈及诚恳是天赋、绝对正确!可我一丝一毫都没有。
- The room is bone-dry, not a trace of damp anywhere. 房间十分干燥,连一点湿气也没有。
- The room is bone-dry,not a trace of damp anywhere. 房间十分干燥,连一点湿气也没有。
- There was not a trace of cynicism in his voice. 他的语气里没有一丝挖苦。
- Not a trace of them. 一点痕迹都没有。
- True friendship is pure, not a trace of dirt doping. 真正的友谊是纯洁的,不会掺杂一丝污垢。
- I wish to say that there is not a trace of confusion or disorder. 我愿意讲一句,一点也没有混乱或者不稳定的迹象。
- He spoke without a trace of emotion. 他说话时毫不动感情。
- There was barely a trace of salt in the soup. 汤里简直一点盐也没有放。
- I slid the drawers out. They were empty too, with not a trace of dust. 我拉出抽屉。抽屉也是空空的,一尘不染。
- He always spoke with a trace of sarcasm. 他说话总带着一丝讽刺。
- Wash the clams in plenty of running water until not a trace of sand is left. 以清水彻底洗净蚬肉,直至没有沙粒排出。
- Each of them has not a diamond ring. 他们中并非每个人都有钻石戒指
- Wherever the peasant associations are powerful,there is not a trace of banditry. 什么盗匪,在农会势盛地方,连影子都不见了。
- And now there was not a trace of that girl in the stiff figure sitting on the mule. 可如今那位姑娘的一点影子也没有了,剩下的是个骑在骡子背上的僵直身躯。
- Wherever the peasant associations are powerful, there is not a trace of banditry. 什么盗匪,在农会势盛地方,连影子都不见了。
- As I shake my head, it still feels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy. 我们需要估计一下那些盲目、贪婪、但却客观的鉴定家(改为:蒙着眼睛拉磨的批评家)能从你身上榨出多少油水。”
- There isn't a trace of a smile on her face. 她脸上没有一丝笑容。
- In a golden afterglow, the people's work is structured, people's emotional stability and not a trace of panic. 在一片金色的余晖里,人们的劳动是有条不紊的,人们的情绪稳定而没有一丝惊恐。
- As I shake my head, it stillfeels brimful of luscious frivolity, with not a trace of philosophy. 尽管我摇头否认,可这仍然充满了甜美的轻浮,而没有些许哲理。