- Australia's Northern Territory became the first legal authority. 句首成分。
- Hillary and Robert are backpacking around Australia. Today, they are hiking near Darwin, Northern Territory. 希拉蕊和罗伯正在澳洲徒步旅行。今天,他们在北领地的达尔文附近健行。
- Some groups have regained title to large areas in the Northern Territory and in the state of South Australia. 有些部落已经在澳北区和南澳大利亚州获得大片土地的所有权。
- The Ranger Mine is located about 260 kilometres east of Darwin, the capital city of the Northern Territory, Australia. RANGER矿位于达尔文东部260km,是澳大利亚北部地区的首府。
- Colossal orbs of rosy granite serve as props for visitors' snapshots in Australia's Northern Territory. 在澳大利亚的北领地,巨大的瑰红色花岗岩石球成为了游人们合影留念的道具。
- In 1911 Northern Territory joined the commonwealth and the Capital Territory, site of Canberra, was created. 1911年北部地区加入联邦,作为首都地区的堪培拉这时也形成了。
- The driver in the outback Northern Territory was stopped on Saturday night by police just outside the city of Darwin after they saw him swerving, police said in a statement. 警方记录显示,这名驾车人是于11日晚在离达尔文市不远处被执勤警察拦截下来的,原因是警察发现他的车偏离了正常的行驶方向。
- This unique archaeological and ethnological reserve, located in the Northern Territory, has been inhabited continuously for more than 40,000 years. 卡卡杜国家公园位于澳大利亚北领地州,是考古学和人种学资料最完整的地方之一,人类已在此连续居住了40000多年。
- Environmental groups claim shark finning in Northern Territory waters is being carried out by boats operating out of Darwin Harbour. 环境组称北方水域被大肆捕猎的鲨鱼正从达尔文港由无数小船载出。
- The Northern Territory Federal Court said the government was not liable to pay Peter Gunner and Lorna Cubillo compensation and punitive damages. 北方联邦法庭说政府不能给予彼德-古纳和劳纳-库比劳补偿或是伤害赔偿。
- Soon after losing the northern territory to the invading army, the king began drafting a plan of revanche to get it back. 就在侵略军占领北方领土后不久,国王便开始起草复仇计划以夺回失地。
- In a war in the late 19th century, Chile defeated Bolivia and its ally, Peru, seizing from them what is today its copper-rich northern territory. 在19世纪晚期爆发的战争中,智利打败了玻利维亚与其同盟国秘鲁,从此就掌握了当今铜矿资源丰富的北部地区。
- A report by the Northern Territory's Auditor-General has found that some public sector employeesare working so much overtime that their health and safety could be put at risk. 澳洲北部审计署发表的一份报告显示。一些公共单位经常让雇员加班。从而令雇员的身体健康和人身安全受到极大危害。
- "The Aboriginal culture across the top end of the Northern Territory was much more versatile and used to interacting with other people than previously thought," Tacon said. “在北部顶端地带的土著文化比之前所认为的更加多才多艺,更习惯于与其他的人们交流。”
- Another long day in the Northern Territory sees us in Kings Canyon National Park at 5am for a walk around the top led by our guide in Australia, Mark Raine. 在北领地又渡过了漫长的一天。清晨5点,澳洲导游麦克.;莱恩就带领我们在国王峡谷国家公园山顶附近徒步。
- Home to natural wonders of Kakadu National Park and Uluru (Ayers Rock), the Northern Territory is blessed with dramatically contrasting natural environments. 上天赐予这片美丽的区域以无限的魅力,有广袤的卡卡杜国家公园及乌鲁卢(艾尔斯岩)自然奇观,定会令你流连忘返,回味无穷。
- "Our sharks in Australia are a valuable resource, and especially in the Northern Territory where we have one of the most diverse shark faunas in Australia," she said. “鲨鱼在澳大利亚是珍贵的资源,特别北部某一时期有一种类特别的鲨鱼,“她说。
- States: 6 states and two zones :New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory, Australia Capital Territory. 包含6个州和两个地区:新南威尔士州,维多利亚州,昆士兰州,南澳大利亚州,西澳大利亚州,塔斯马尼亚州和北部地区,首都直辖区将它们放在适合的位置。
- Cyclone Ingrid, packing winds of up to260 kmh, hit the tiny town and aboriginal reserve of Kalumburu, about500 km southwest of the Northern Territory capital of Darwin, and then devastated the exclusive Faraway Bay resort. 夹带时速高达两百六十公里强风的英格利德旋风,侵袭这座位于北方领地首府达尔文西南方五百公里的小镇兼卡鲁姆布鲁原住民保留区,然后又重创高级度假胜地遥远湾。