- Holocene mud deposits in the west of the northern Huanghai Sea 北黄海西部的全新世泥质沉积
- Relation of ice conditions with climate change in the Bohai Sea and the northern Huanghai Sea 渤海、北黄海海冰与气候变化的关系
- Interannual variation of temperature and salinity of northern Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass and its probable cause 北黄海冷水团温、盐多年变化特征及影响因素
- Northern Huanghai Sea 北黄海
- My left leg on HuangHai sea,right leg on BoHai sea. 我左腿站在黄海上,右腿站在渤海上。
- My left foot stands on HuangHai sea, and right foot on BoHai sea. 我左腿站在黄海上,右腿站在渤海上。
- The favor of that sunshine, the spring breeze in the Huanghai Sea . 那阳光的恩赐,那黄海的春风。
- southern Huanghai Sea and northern East China Sea 黄海南部与东海北部
- The whole coefficients at the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea based on the U.S.Navy model are also given. 给出了黄海、东中国海区的美国海军红外辐射传输模型的全部系数。
- Su Bei radiation shoal group is a unique Geomorphology unit in south area of the Huanghai Sea. 苏北沿海的辐射沙洲群是南黄海海域一个独特的地貌单元。
- In the Huanghai Sea, tide-induced residual current is also an important part of its circulation. 在黄海,潮致余流也是黄海环流的重要组成部分。
- Possibly Qingdao the Huanghai Sea vocational school yard schoolmate enter please come to have a look? 想来青岛黄海职业学校院的同学请进来看一下?
- Quasi-periodic variations of the sea surface temperature (SST) field from Huanghai Sea are analysed by using the energy spectrum method. 本文用能谱方法分析了黄海的海表面水温(SST)场的准周期变化。
- I live in beautiful seashore city Dalian, it lies in the south of Liaoning Province, between the Bohai Sea and the Huanghai Sea. 我居住在美丽的海滨城市大连,它位于辽宁省的南部,渤海与黄海之间。
- Dandong Modern Rock Roller Factory, Dandong Modern Paper Machinery Co Ltd is located at the north bank of Huanghai Sea and the bank of Yalu River. 丹东现代石辊厂丹东现代造纸机械有限公司座落在山清水秀的黄海大东港北岸,风景如画的鸭绿江畔,与朝鲜隔江相望,是一睹异国风光、异国情俗的旅游胜地。
- On this basis the variances of the T-S data series obtained during the period from 1976-1981 in the Huanghai Sea were calculated and adopted for current system analysis. 在这基础之上;计算了1976-1981期间黄海温盐度资料序列的均方差并用于流系的分析.
- In this paper, the model that includes 2.5-rank closed-turbulence- submodel is used as dynamical and thermodynamic model of the Bohai Sea and Huanghai Sea. 本文选择包含2.;5阶湍流封闭子模式的POM模式(Princeton Ocean Model)作为渤、黄海动力、热力数值模式。
- Following the step of new century, in the bank of the beautiful Huanghai Sea, Qingdao Changjie Machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in golden Jiangzhou gulf. 伴随着新世纪的脚步,在美丽的黄海之滨, 金色的胶州湾孕育诞生了“青岛昌捷机械有限公司”!
- Bordering on the Huanghai Sea in the south, depends on Yalu River in the east, southeast of Donggang and Democratic People"s Republic of Korea face each other across the river. 南临黄海,东依鸭绿江,东南与朝鲜民主主义人民共和国隔江相望。
- The tendency of environmental change will deeply affect the process of sustainable development along the coastal zone of the Huanghai Sea and the Bohai Sea. 海岸带台风、风暴潮、海岸侵蚀、地面沉降、海水内侵等灾害给沿海经济建设造成极大危害,未来环境变化趋势也将深刻影响黄渤海沿岸持续发展的进程。