- Northeastern folk tale 东北民间故事
- Northeast folk tale 东北民间故事
- This of course is only a myth or folk tale. 当然,这只是神话传说。
- The type research of folk tale is watershed. 摘要民间故事的类型研究意义重大。
- Scully: So you're basing the theory on a folk tale? 史卡利:所以你是以民间传说作为你理论的根据啰?
- northeastern folk tales 东北民间故事
- Students are encouraged to turn out vivid description about the folk tale. 学生们被鼓励编写有关那个民间故事的生动的描述。
- The line appears to be a reference to a Cherokee folk tale, whose recounting may shed light on the mind of the sniper. 也许,这个古老的切罗基族传说,能够为我们揭开连环杀人凶手神秘的面纱。
- According to the folk tale, three suspects had been brought to justice about a homicide case. 据民间传说,有一场命案中,抓到三个犯罪嫌疑人。
- The line appears to be a reference to a Cherokee folk tale,whose recounting may shed light on the mind of the sniper. 也许,这个古老的切罗基族传说,能够为我们揭开连环杀人凶手神秘的面纱。
- According to the folk tale, after Jack died, he was denied entrance to Heaven because of his evil ways, but he was also denied access to Hell because he had tricked the devil. 按照这个民间传说的说法,杰克死后,由于他行为不良,他不能进天堂,但他也不能下地狱,因为他曾愚弄了魔鬼。
- The word "Oracle-bone scripture" couldn't be found before the 19th centuries, regardless in China or the world, whether a folk tale or an ancient recordation. 甲骨文一词在十九世纪之前是没有的,无论是中国还是世界,无论民间传说还是古籍记载都找不到。
- At the west lake, there are many similar folk tales and fables. 在西湖,类似的民间故事和传说还有很多。
- This is a folk tale. 这是一个民间传说。
- This is a folk tale . 这是一个民间传说。
- According to a folk tale, when the old fisherman first got Zhang Fei's head in his net, he threw it back into the river. Uncanny as this may sound, it is said that the head stays where it is after landing in the water, refusing to drift downstream. 民间传说,当年老渔翁将张飞的人头捞上岸,重又丢入江中,奇怪的是,它不再向下游漂流了。
- There is another folk tale which says that, after Qin Hui died, people found on the clear white skin of their dressed pigs the following words: Reincarnation of Qin Hui or the Tenth Reincarnation of Qin Hui. 传说,秦桧死后,村民宰猪,括尽猪毛,白皮上竟显出“秦桧转世”、“秦桧十世身”等字样。
- His house is in the northeast of this city. 他的家在这个城市的东北部。
- The folk tales of the period tell of " swan children", and in various fairy tales children are suckled by a hind, a goat, a lioness, a wolf, ravens, or even rats. 这一时期的民间传说中有"天鹅孩子",童话故事中曾有母鹿、山羊、母狮、狼、乌鸦,甚至老鼠等抚养孩子。
- The northeast wind was blowing hard at that time. 那时候东北风刮得正紧。