- Abstract: The North-South Pars gas field, which is the largest gas field in the world, is the combination of the North gas field which is located in Qatar and the South Pars gas field in Iran. 摘要: 北方-南帕斯气田由主要位于波斯湾海域卡塔尔境内的北方气田和伊朗境内的南帕斯气田组成,是目前世界上最大的天然气田。
- North-South pars gas field 北方-南帕斯气田
- North South high-lying low, undulating. 地势南高北低,起伏不平。
- On the other hand, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar-Zangeneh also told Hiranuma that he encourages Japanese companies to participate in the natural gas development plan at South Pars of the Persian Gulf. 另一方面,伊朗石油部长桑加尼也对平沼说,他鼓励日本公司参与波斯湾SouthPars天然气田的开发计画。
- Fulongquan gas field is situated in transition zone between the massif in southeast of Songliao basin and the center depressed area.It is made up of south and north anticlinal high. 伏龙泉气田位于伏龙泉构造带,后者处于松辽盆地东南部隆起区与中央凹陷的过渡带,由南北两个高点组成。
- China borders many countries on its north,south and west. 中国的北部、南部西部和许多国家接壤。
- It is Italian north South Tirol and a place to be summoned to. 是被叫意大利的北部的南面蒂罗尔的所。
- Point bars modeled in a North Texas gas field on the basis of borehole and seismic images. 根据钻孔和地震图像建立的德克萨斯州北部某气田中的曲流沙坝模型。
- We only observe the small portion of the magnetic field that extends to the surface and beyond,where its basic structure is a dipole that is,a simple north south field like that of a simple bar magnet. 我们仅仅观察到扩展到地表和地表以外的磁场的一小部分,在这里它的基本结构是一个偶极子,就像一个简单的棒磁铁一样是一个简单的南北极磁场。
- We only observe the small portion of the magnetic field that extends to the surface and beyond, where its basic structure is a dipole that is, a simple north south field like that of a simple bar magnet. 我们仅仅观察到扩展到地表和地表以外的磁场的一小部分,在这里它的基本结构是一个偶极子,就像一个简单的棒磁铁一样是一个简单的南北极磁
- YC gas field is the largest reserve found to date in Jiangsu Oilfield. YC气田是江苏油田至今发现的储量最大的气田。
- Twenty oil and gas fields are under development. 已有20个油气田投入开发,形成了海洋石油天然气产业。
- Formed under the force of contortion, the gas field takes a S configuration. 中坝气田在扭力的作用下,外形呈S形。
- Researchers at UNC in China studied more than 750 Chinese men women, aged between 40 59, in three rural villages in north south China. 北卡罗林娜大学在中国的研究者选取了750名以上的男性和女性居民,他们来自中国南部和北部的三个乡村地区,年龄在40到59岁之间。
- They from north south present Gu line to distributing in bank of madder of peace and tranquility, comprise a long and narrow half moon form roughly. 它们自北而南呈现孤线分布在太平洋西岸,大致组成一个狭长的半月外形。
- Submergence of BFP is a key procedure to exploit marginal oil and gas field economically. 平台沉放过程中,受到沿深度变流速水流的作用,并受到系泊锚索的约束。
- The target strata in Yulin gas field lie in the bottom of Shanxi Formation of Permian, Upper Palaeozoic. 摘要榆林气田目的层系位于上古生界二叠系山西组底部。
- North south snows the sunlight to be actually brilliant, is ten days half month-long, the disaster situation also continues in the seat of monarchical government. 南方下雪北方却阳光烂漫,一下就是十天半个月的,灾情还在廷续中。
- Capital construction is under way at several gas fields. 几个天然气田正在进行基本建设。
- The west route project of the North South Water Transfer, very unique in its scale, is located in a region with a very special topography, climate and tectonic environment. 南水北调西线工程的自然环境、区域地质环境和经济技术环境都具有特殊性,区内工程地质勘察特别是隧洞工程的勘察具有较大的难度。