- North White Goose 北方白鹅
- A big white goose" Hanghang "traumatized, had traveled from. 一只大白鹅“吭吭”地叫着,游了过来。
- She fondled the white goose and said to herself: what a lovely goose is! 她抚着白鹅的羽毛,心里想:小白鹅多么可爱呀!
- The two greatest kilns of the formation"north white south green" fasten. 形成“北白南青”的两大窑系。
- Comparative observation of adding formula feed and traditional feed for Wanxi White goose. 皖西白鹅补饲配合料与传统以比观察。
- Passing the Black Tiger Pine, visitors reach White Goose Ridge, and the beautiful and steep White Goose Peak stands in the left direction. 经过黑虎松就是白鹅岭,秀丽陡峭的白鹅峰就在左边。
- Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide(VIP) antigen in the medulla of Wanxi white Goose has been detected by using immunohistoche-mical SABC method. 应用免疫组织化学SABC染色法,对血管活性肠肽(VIP)免疫反应阳性细胞在皖西白鹅延髓内的分布进行了观察。
- The genetic diversity of Sichuan white goose,Huoyan goose,Rhin goose,Landoise goose and Yangzhou goose was analyzed with microsatellite loci. 选用10个微卫星引物对四川白鹅、豁眼鹅、莱茵鹅、朗德鹅、扬州鹅5个鹅品种进行遗传多样性分析。
- Dongli Industry General Company realizes the connected sequenec of production, processing and sales for white goose, goose serids food enjoy high reputation in market. 东立实业总公司,实行白鹅饲养、加工、销售一条龙,鹅系列产品享誉市场。
- The company's three major brands, such as "Hornsey sea", "Little White Goose", "Jiang fly" across the country to investment dealers, OEM OEM processing. 公司旗下有三大品牌,如“香雪海”、“小白鹅”、“飞江”向全国各地经销商招商,OEM贴牌加工。
- Chine's East north white fox(dressed) 东北雪狐(熟皮)
- Chine's East north white fox(raw) 东北雪狐(生皮)
- Zhedong white goose(Anser domeatica) 浙东白鹅
- A big white bear lives near the North Pole. 一种大白熊栖居於北极附近。
- He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。
- Objective: To study the distribution of ghrelin-producing cells in the liver and pancreas of Wanxi white geese. 目的:研究皖西白鹅肝和胰内是否有生长素细胞分布。
- Twenty of Wan XI white geese (two local type-Shouhuo white geese and Shucheng white geese,70-90-day-old) were tested. 选择农户饲养的皖西白鹅20只(90日龄寿霍白鹅和70日龄舒城白鹅各10只),系统测定了两种地方类型仔鹅的屠宰性能、肉品物性参数。
- And you come from North Dakota! I want to know. 原来你是北达科他州来的!真想不到!
- We have found oil under the North Sea. 我们在北海发现了石油。
- The north wind set them shivering. 北风吹得他们浑身打颤。