- North West Africa 西北非
- The island off West Africa must be made secure. 一定要使西非海岸的岛屿固若金汤。
- West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade. 西非是可可豆贸易的中心。
- This book deals with West Africa. 这本书是有关西非的。
- Newly opened - the Togo Center in West Africa. 西非多哥刚成立的小中心。
- Caesarea was 90km north west of Jerusalem. 凯撒利亚在耶路撒冷东北90公里。
- Cocoa health benefits may boost West Africa farms. 可可给人们带来的健康好处振兴了西非农场经济。
- This book deals with West Africa . 这本书是有关西非的。
- West Africa was decolonized in the early 1960's. 西非是在二十世纪60年代实现非殖民地化的。
- The word Gullah itself also hails from West Africa. 古拉这个字本身也源自西非。
- Tema is the port of Ghana in West Africa. 特马,是西非加纳的港口。
- Mild winters and cool summers in the north west( Brittany). 在西北部(列塔尼)冬天气候宜人,夏天气候凉爽。
- A rather cold north west airstream will cover our province. 一股偏冷的西北气流将覆盖我省。
- In west Africa there are a number of businesses trading on a large scale in palm products, cocoa and rubber. 在西非,有许多商行大规模地经营棕桐制品、可可和橡胶贸易。
- Go to the North West corner and repeat the cross and the Word. 走到房间的西北角,做同样的事情。
- China North West Film Studio, originally uploaded by Firenzemc. 镇北堡西部影视城。
- They held a string of military bases in west Africa. 他们在西非拥有一系列军事基地。
- Mild winters and cool summers in the north west (Brittany). 在西北部(布列塔尼),冬天气候宜人,夏天气候凉爽。
- This is West africa's biggest locust disaster in 15 years. 这次蝗灾是西部非洲15年以来最大的灾害。
- Had it's original home in Kathiawar in north west India. 在印度西北部的卡提阿瓦是其原产地。