- Among medium counties, compensation per job grew 3.1% and was highest in North Slope Borough, Alaska, at $98,417 and lowest in Sevier Co. 去年,中型县每份工作平均薪酬增长了3.;1%25。
- North Slope Borough 北坡管理区
- We were concerned that the north slope of the volcano might slide away. 我们关心的是,火山北坡将会崩塌。
- The Qinling Mountains have become a significant tourism development area on both north slope and south slope. 在北山坡和南山坡,秦岭山区已经成为一个重要的旅游开发区。
- Oil and gas was found in nineteen sixty-eight near Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska. 热带气候和美丽的海滨将世界各地的人吸引到这里。
- The tundra is also home to caribou, an important source of sustenance in regions such as Alaska's North Slope. 冻原也是北美产的家园,一个重要的该地区的生计资料就像阿拉斯加的北坡。
- The north slope of Zhongguai swell and Wuba Region is the practical region of natural gas prospecting. 中拐凸起北斜坡及五八区是目前最现实的天然气勘探区域。
- The results indicated that FGR declined with the increase of altitude in north slope of Ningguo area. 结果表明:在皖南宁国山核桃分布区内,随着海拔的升高,北坡雌花萌动比有所下降;
- The snow thickened fast. I could not locate the tall pine that stood on the north slope of Little Mountain. 雪积得很快,我无法找到站在里特山北坡上的那棵高高的松树。
- We observed the behavior of pollination in the north slope of Changbai mountain during the florescence from 2004 to 2005. 摘要2004-2005年盛花期(7~8月份)对长白山北坡昆虫的访花行为进行了研究。
- The company says the four hundred thousand barrels of oil a day represent half of all the oil produced in Alaska North Slope area. 该公司表示,每天四十万桶原油,代表阿拉斯加北部斜坡区石油生产的一半。
- According to the survey, the vertical distribution character of vegetation on the north slope of the east part of Qilian Mountains was studied. 摘要根据调查,对祁连山东部北坡的植被垂直分布特征进行了分析研究。
- An Arctic fox lopes over snowy ground in Prudhoe Bay in an image shot before 1977 when oil wells began to sprout up across Alaska's North Slope. 在这张拍摄于1977年以前的照片上,一只北极狐轻盈的奔跑在普拉德霍湾的雪原上,那时油井开始树立在阿拉斯加北坡上。
- On Alaska's north slope there are dinosaur bones, lots of them.But they're trapped in an icy tomb - an impenetrable wall of permafrost. 阿拉斯加的北坡掩埋着许多恐龙骸骨,但是它们被永远难以穿透的冻土层包住了,就像是被困在一个冰冷的坟茔里。
- The interests of big oil, wild creatures, and native populations collide on the largest remaining piece of U.S. wilderness, Alaska's North Slope. 大型石油公司的利益,野生动物,和本地人口在美国现存最大的一片的荒野--阿拉斯加北坡进行抗争。
- The pipeline would extend from the North Slope to Fairbanks, and southeast to Alberta, Canada.From there, it would go to the Chicago area. 即将铺设的天然气管道从阿拉斯加北坡一直延伸到费尔班克斯,并向西南方向延伸到加拿大的艾伯塔省,然后延伸到芝加哥地区。
- It has been known that the hydrocarbon in Panyu low-uplift and north slope of Baiyun sag has a mixed source of Wenchang and Enping Formations. 过去一直认为珠江口盆地白云凹陷北坡-番禺低隆起油气为文昌组和恩平组烃源岩混合来源。
- Laohekou oil field is located at the north slope of Chengdong arch,and the upper Guantao Formation is the main oil-bearing series. 老河口油田位于埕东凸起北斜坡,馆上段是主要含油层系,北部是埕北生油凹陷,油源供给充足;
- North Slope producers currently reinject the natural gas that comes with oil production back into the ground where it can be recovered. 目前,石油公司在开采石油时,一般将天然气重新注入地下以备将来使用。
- However, in Tiantangzhai areas of Jinzhai County, the FGR increased slightly with the increase of altitude in north slope. 在大别山金寨天堂寨山核桃分布区内,北坡雌花芽萌动比随着海拔的升高略有升高;